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The Chart looks great. As you look at the chart you may notice that volume has been increasing over the last few months with the price. This would be expected. And you may be kicking yourself for not having bought some in the January when the price was low!
The whole thing is a con game and a fraud. But right now we are focused on market volume. Almost all of this volume is on the BCC exchange. That is a private exchange run by the same crooks- I mean people- who run Bitconnect.
That means this is not a liquid cyptocurrency. It can be traded on other exchanges, but most volume is part of the pyramid scheme — I mean investment program.
I trust the dates. I think it is all fake, a con game, manipulated and made to deceive. Bitconnect closely controls the supply of the BCC coin. As more people come in they jack up the price in a complicated scheme —but that is allegations for another time. Well, volume did trade somewhere. It could have been a bot moving coins back and forth! Imagine, some programmer might give a bot several hundred coins.
Then program it to move those coins every few minutes. One bot, could have addresses associated with it. It moves the money from address one to address two. Then from Address two to address one. This bot could move transactions a day, meaning it made about round trips. This bot could work day and night for 13 days. It could rack up 32, coins moves which would represent 3. Who would do such a thing? Yep here is the proof! Now I will admit I am not a complete block chain expert yet.
However, as I have been looking at the blockchain I have seen a lot of unsettling things. People still need to look at the blockchain to verify things are right. And from what I have seen there is a whole lot of funny stuff going on.
My primary point with this post is that artificial volume is being created. I also think artificial volume is created in other currencies so this one is not alone. That said this artificial volume is a red flag.
How much of this volume is artificial? I am not sure yet. I am open to suggestions. I would guestimate at 7, people in the scam with about joining every day. That would be 70 people. When not enough new people join; Ponzi schemes collapse. How many Bots are there? If you know an easy way to find that answer let me know in the comments!
If someone else has a better explanation on why there is all this activity in the BCC blockchain. I am very interested. Please share your ideas in the comments below.
If you missed my fist post Post 3 Guess when BitConnect will implode! Post 5 Inside the Facebook Profile of a Scammer. Thanks for posting this! I saw this one first, then read your first post on it. Great analysis of the blockchain bots! I made a comment on the other one that I had written up an analysis of BitConnect a couple months ago, I hope you don't mind my sharing it on both your posts hope it's not perceived as spamming -- it can't be upvoted any more; I'm just sharing the information:.
I have some more posts coming to support this theme; it just takes time to completely document and show what is going on! Excellent, I've followed you. Know, though, that I'm recovering from multiple concussions and might not remember past interactions -- the four major symptoms being forgetfulness, headaches, sleep issues, and irritability. I've been telling people to avoid bitconnect for some time now, but it's good to see someone showing why!
Thanks for eye opener.. With your capital back you can play the game much safer. Unfortunately, as you likely saw from my other blogs, these are all guesses based on questionable data. Glad I was able to open some eyes Inside the Bitconnect Trading Bot. This sort of looks like a legitimate cryptocurrency.
Looks can be deceiving! Yeah, it is that bad! That said we will work with what we got Do these volume numbers mean anything? Why would they do that? This would make the currency look more liquid. It would make the scam look better. It makes the block chain more confusing so it is harder to see how they are cooking the books.
Having a top crypto currency really adds to the legitimacy to the scam. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. I made a comment on the other one that I had written up an analysis of BitConnect a couple months ago, I hope you don't mind my sharing it on both your posts hope it's not perceived as spamming -- it can't be upvoted any more; I'm just sharing the information: Great thank you, will check it out!