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Its potential is much more exciting than that. Andreessen, a Web pioneer , is now on the board of companies like Facebook and eBay. He is not a disinterested observer in the Bitcoin debate: And so Bitcoin basically holds the promise of being the first solution to establishing trust over an untrusted network.
And that public ledger is maintained by a set of computers all talking to each other using a protocol. But it is very easy to do that now digitally using Bitcoin. That said, Lawsky is also excited about the possibilities of a technology like Bitcoin, which could bring down all sorts of transaction fees. This may be bad news for traditional banks, credit-card companies, and other fee-seeking middlemen. But, as Lawsky points out, a lot of other people stand to benefit:.
Marc Andreessen argues that they are missing the larger point:. The episode also addresses a question many of you asked when Freakonomics Radio ran a fund-raising campaign: I think this company solves all your problems if you want to receive donations in Bitcoin https: I couldn't fathom how this wasn't trivially discovered and brought up. I guess maybe this whole Internet thing might not actually be catching on If the point is that it is cheaper without middle-men, then a solution to making it easy to accept bit coins is to have a middle-man seems pretty absurd, no?
Retailers still come out ahead since essentially the consumer is paying for fraud, not the credit card companies and retailers [ie if my bit coin wallet is compromised or lost, it is my problem, not their problem]. The Hobby Lobby case going before the Supreme Court highlights our flat currency. We can use our paychecks for whatever we want and it's only constrained by our geography and perhaps a few other negligible variables.
The other part of our payment that is not fungible is employee benefits which is programmed to be used for healthcare. Since it could be used for contraceptives, Hobby Lobby is arguing that infringes on its religious freedoms. A cryptocurrency payment could be programmed to ensure that employees of a particular company do not purchase goods or services that violate an employers' standards.
The decision that the Supreme Court arrives at will apply to all of us. Why can't a cryptocurrency obviate the need for one-size-fits-all laws and create rules for individual companies at a more granular level? If I work at Hobby Lobby and they pay me in bitcoins that can't be used to buy contraceptives, what stops me from cashing out my bit coins and then buying whatever I'd like with cash?
Someone ran the data transfer numbers of public ledger cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and quickly determined that a single system can only support about , users before the data transfer loads became impractical.
If that stands it will be impossible for every person to participate in the Bitcoin system and normal users will have to rely on trusted third parties to do the verification process and charge a fee for the service.
At that point we have just come full circle back to banks. The bitcoin network can only handle a maximum of transactions in every block. A block get mined around once every 10 minutes. That is roughly 7 transactions per second. For a real world example, visa processes around tps. Now, the bitcoin fanatics will tell you "oh we can just increase the number of transactions per block, it's an artificial limit!
Every single transaction is between and bytes. Lets plug in visa's numbers to see just how large this will get. That's megabytes that every single bitcoin user needs to download every 10 minutes just to use the currency.
Remember that bitcoin is just a distributed ledger. So every single user also has to store that MB every 10 minutes. There is no reasonable solution to this that doesn't involve using some sort of third party.
Who you would have to trust. I'm still a little confused, maybe because I didn't pay much attention on my economy class, but I still don't understand how this digital transfer of currency works.
My question is, what happened to the physical cash I left with the intermediary, or bank or whatever company that converted that value into bitcoin? Isn't it still there when the other person in china withdraws it in cash in the other end of the transfer? Isn't it like duplicating money but in two different parts of the planet?
The important point here is that most money isn't actual physical cash, it's entries in various accounting systems.
What happens when you pay a bill on-line? A number gets subtracted from your account in your bank's accounting system, and added to the bank account of the company you pay. In principle it's the same for doing a transfer to someone in China: The Paul Krugman quote you used on your show was taken of context as professor Krugman has explained many times whenever someone brings it up.
He is very outspoken again Bitcoin and a very established economist with views that run counter to many of those in the field of macroeconomics. I think it would be great to invite him on your podcast sometime.
Paul Krugman has too much self-confidence, which makes me talk BS all the time without understanding how stuffs work. Any quote is always taken outside of context: He's making the same again with bitcoins, even though nobody really knows if bitcoin is going to vanish or become the next monetary revolution.
He should copy the humility of Dubner or Levitt, who rarely engage in this "folly of prediction". And by the way, if Krugman isn't invited very much in Freakonomics, it's probably because his field of studies is not covered by the podcast, if only because the show is more oriented towards microeconomics rather than macro.
The reason Politicians don't like aka "are concerned" about bitcoin is because it makes it harder for them to tax away everyones income. That, plus the internet being basically its own self-governing entity is exposing how corrupt, inflexible, and outdated the majority of modern governments are. Its NOT hard to transport drug proceeds offshore. Too Big To Fail Banks have been doing it for years!! WHo is Lawsky trying to spread that propaganda too?? They Are Able to transfer the millions they earn off their capital that they have sent to the U.
I've been listening to Freakonomics radio for a while now, and I love it. Sometimes the musical breaks in between segments, or at the end of the podcast are really cool. Does anybody know where I can find out the names of the pieces sampled in the shows?
Who carries a backpack with money between borders? If its not something illegal going on. I dont get how Bitcoin will help here? Hey, I'm curious to know who was playing the guitar riff at the end of the podcast? Corporate Social Responsibility programs can attract better job applicants who'll work for less money. But they also encourage employees to misbehave Season 7, Episode 35 They are the most-trusted profession in America and with good reason. They are critical to patient outcomes especially in primary Season 7, Episode 35 Three former White House economists weigh in on the new tax bill.
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