Bitcoin Core 0.15.0 Is Released: Here’s What’s New

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This is a new minor version release, including various bugfixes and performance improvements, as well as updated translations. If you are running an older version, shut it down. The first time you run version 0.

Hence, a downgrade from version 0. Note that the block database format also changed in version 0. Upgrading directly from 0. However, as usual, old wallet versions are still supported. The chainstate database for this release is not compatible with previous releases, so if you run 0.

If your node has pruning enabled, this will entail re-downloading and processing the entire blockchain. Bitcoin Core is extensively tested on multiple operating systems using the Linux kernel, macOS Windows XP is not supported. Bitcoin Core should also work on most other Unix-like systems but is not frequently tested on them. A number of changes to the way Bitcoin Core deals with peer connections and invalid blocks have been made, as a safety precaution against blockchain forks and misbehaving peers.

Unrequested blocks with less work than the minimum-chain-work are now no longer processed even if they have more work than the tip a potential issue during IBD where the tip may have low-work. This prevents peers wasting the resources of a node. Peers which provide a chain with less work than the minimum-chain-work during IBD will now be disconnected. For a given outbound peer, we now check whether their best known block has at least as much work as our tip.

If after two minutes their best known block has insufficient work, we disconnect that peer. We protect 4 of our outbound peers from being disconnected by this logic to prevent excessive network topology changes as a result of this algorithm, while still ensuring that we have a reasonable number of nodes not known to be on bogus chains. Outbound non-manual peers that serve us block headers that are already known to be invalid other than compact block announcements, because BIP explicitly permits nodes to relay compact blocks before fully validating them will now be disconnected.

If the chain tip has not been advanced for over 30 minutes, we now assume the tip may be stale and will try to connect to an additional outbound peer. A periodic check ensures that if this extra peer connection is in use, we will disconnect the peer that least recently announced a new block.

The set of all known invalid-themselves blocks i. This ensures that everything that descends from an invalid block is marked as such. Though blockmaxweight has been preferred for limiting the size of blocks returned by getblocktemplate since 0. Using this option resulted in a few UI issues as well as non-optimal fee selection and ever-so-slightly worse performance, and has thus now been deprecated. Further, the blockmaxsize option is now used only to calculate an implied blockmaxweight, instead of limiting block size directly.

Any miners who wish to limit their blocks by size, instead of by weight, will have to do so manually by removing transactions from their block template directly. The GUI settings will now be written to guisettings. This can be used to retroactively troubleshoot issues due to the GUI settings. Previously, it was possible to open the same wallet twice by manually copying the wallet file, causing issues when both were opened simultaneously. It is no longer possible to open copies of the same wallet.

A hidden debug argument -minimumchainwork has been added to allow a custom minimum work value to be used when validating a chain. This is a security measure as well as prevents dangerous user mistakes. The behaviour is unchanged when an empty string is provided. As well as everyone that helped translating on Transifex. Bitcoin Core version 0. Please report bugs using the issue tracker at GitHub: Downgrading warning The chainstate database for this release is not compatible with previous releases, so if you run 0.

Compatibility Bitcoin Core is extensively tested on multiple operating systems using the Linux kernel, macOS Notable changes Network fork safety enhancements A number of changes to the way Bitcoin Core deals with peer connections and invalid blocks have been made, as a safety precaution against blockchain forks and misbehaving peers.

Miner block size limiting deprecated Though blockmaxweight has been preferred for limiting the size of blocks returned by getblocktemplate since 0. Duplicate wallets disallowed Previously, it was possible to open the same wallet twice by manually copying the wallet file, causing issues when both were opened simultaneously.

Debug -minimumchainwork argument added A hidden debug argument -minimumchainwork has been added to allow a custom minimum work value to be used when validating a chain.

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