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The week after bitcoin mining reward halving, ForkLog decided to compile a short overview on the history of mining methods. Generally speaking, bitcoin mining is a process of cryptographic calculations. As we know, bitcoins are mined in blocks, and the more there are generated coins altogether, the smaller is the block size.
Initially, a block was just 50 BTC, but the number of mined coins halves each , blocks. Thus, the reward for each found block also halves with some periodicity. The very process of mining requires computational capacity, time, and power expenses. The longer you mine bitcoins, the more power intensive the mining becomes. The increasing speed of generated bitcoins is reversely proportional and exponentially drops.
The total number of coins ever to be mined is 21,, It will never exceed this number. This process looks as follows:. In case the cost of mined bitcoins exceeds the expenses for mining including costs of electricity and equipment , this kind of activity is economically reasonable. Therefore, as mining difficulty increases, less efficient and economically feasible devices just leave the industry.
At the time of publication, computational difficulty has increased by nearly billion times, while the total computational capacity of miners combined comprises upwards of 1. Further progress of mining industry shifted towards graphics processing units GPU. Due to their architecture, graphic adapters run cryptographic calculations much faster than CPU. It could host 5 or 6 powerful graphics accelerators. A competing technology of FPGA Field-programmable gate array miners was the first attempt to tackle the problem.
Such miners provided a nearly fivefold advantage in terms of power consumption as compared to GPU miners. Moreover, video cards, having exhausted their mining resource, may be sold at more profitable prices. All those devices became economically futile for bitcoin mining after ASIC miners application-specific integrated circuit miners emerged. Their only purpose is to run cryptographic calculations for mining. Their power efficiency is tenfold higher. Pioneering in this realm was Butterfly Labs, who started accepting pre-orders for miners using this technology as early as in June Due to increasing difficulty and resource intensity of mining, this kind of activity migrated from small farms to data centers capable of setting enormous levels of computational power.
Those conditions economically justify bitcoin mining. Having paid for servicing and the fee set by your host company, you may use the service. Still, there are risks related to non-payment of your revenue. All that malicious agents need to launch a mining facility is to own a botnet and to have some sort of specialized malware program to discreetly penetrate the computers of users in a botnet.
In some cases, having the software and paying for malware installation onto existing botnets is fair enough as the prices for such shady services usually do not cost much. An attacker gets a very small computer power from each individual user that could be just a tiny fraction of a decent mining farm. There are some other cases known when the same cryptocurrency was mined via several millions of mobile devices.