GTX 980 getting ~19 mh/s is this good? was hoping 20+

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Needs to be set in P0 compute state; ethminer doesn't kick it into this mode, your card will stay in P2 unless you force it with nvidia-smi, which is in C: Run this in cmd in admin mode: Again in admin mode, enter your numbers in this format: It looks like you're new here.

If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! March edited March in Mining. It was my gaming gpu until I heard about ethereum lol. If anyone else with a gtx is hitting bitcoin mining nvidia 980 numbers please share your overclock below and keep in mind mine is not watercooled so it cant get too crazy but does have 3 fans which helps a bit. I'd like to squeeze out as much ethereum as I can cause I have a mining buuld in mind and don't have the money so Bitcoin mining nvidia 980 relying on etherum bitcoin mining nvidia 980 pay for a lot of it.

It might help if you start by explaining what you have now - what genoil version, what command-line options, bitcoin mining nvidia 980 drivers, what OS are you running?

I hope this info bitcoin mining nvidia 980 some of this info helps im a complete noob to mining lol. March edited March Genoil 0xebbffdab3dfb4d Member Posts: Genoil It's only unhealthy if the temps remain elevated for extended periods, obviously when mining. EDIT I should mention but you probably already know, GPU manufacturers take great liberties with what they define as "TDP", it's not the same across the board and they've all done their own thing.

Finally decided to try this cause i wasnt sure what may happen but i get this error Setting applications clock is not supported for GPU, Treating as warning and moving on. I've compiled Genoil github version in Ubuntu It would be nice to have tips in boosting the cards, like that mining hardware list someone did.

Sheesh, just realized I already posted this above Then run with your numbers: For the R7 you'll have to ask someone else how to set the clocks using aticonfig or whatever on linux, but it can be done. Probably max the memory at MHz, core at MHz or less for stability. Should be good for Also, if I touch the -ac command nvidia-smi changes to P0, regardless of the clock choosen higest or lowest Seems like the driver is buggy.

In Windows I had troubles with overclocking in some drivers versions, maybe Bitcoin mining nvidia 980 can find a driver that works for me. Stop all running miners on the system. Set the clocks with the nvidia-smi -accommand as before Step 3: Run the miner, check hashrate against previous.

In windows 7 the change is immediate, perhaps it isn't on linux but I'd doubt that. It isn't the driver, it's not buggy on linux — but it is a major problem on windows 8. December edited December Mining with 6 bios-flashed Gigabyte SC 4G on windows 7 bit. Screen Shot at 2. Use a live USB key with Ubuntu And using another pool will help? Thx in dvance, Jonathan. Sign In or Register to comment.

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