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I kept analyzing the trading activities and I was shocked on what I saw. As expected, the names are about legends and famous poems. - Order history.
This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Curse Help Register Sign In. Obviously I can't be the only one who has notiched that a lot of sites and Diablo fan groups on Facebook has started to post links to a youtube video showing of a gold farming bot.
Battlenet account creator bot is blizzards take on this? Personally I hope all these douche-tards gets banned. If everyone started using a gold farming battlenet account creator bot the economy would battlenet account creator bot even more broken than it is already. Diablo is and has always been about farming for better gear, so if someone feel they need a bot they should just stop playing IMO. Not posting the link battlenet account creator bot the name of the bot in case of some poor soul getting tempted.
Rollback Post to Revision RollBack. They just banned a whole bunch of people last week for botting. That was last week. Of course I hope thats just bullcrap and blizzard will use the ban-hammer on everyone who uses it. Link to said videos? I agree, noone botted in Diablo2 LoD. Especially not on 8 accounts at the same time running pindle while being at school. Economy in WoW is actually fine since you can't buy top gear with gold, i had K gold on my WoW account pressing couple of buttons on addon once a day battlenet account creator bot i got too lazy to do even that.
D3 is a wholle different story - gold is everything existing ingame and even more - it can be legaly transfered into real live cash. So long story short - in WoW Blizzard can neglect bots more or less, in Diablo 3 bots really hurt players trying to avoid RMAH by inflating prices in gold. Those who use RMAH won't be affected all that much since gold price will steadily drop the more bots come into business and players will anyway have a choice to buy items with RM.
Autoit is not a bot, its a macro creator; you can make it do some fancy stuff but it's not a bot. A Bot is a program that injects into the game - aka a hack Hellbuddy, Immortalbot - have had a massive ban wave and hopefully more soon. Yes a few people are using autoit on a certain area in the game but that will soon get nerfed again, they already nerfed one area in act 3 for fast levelling with the use of autoit. Bots and farmers in all games with any form of currency, even battlenet account creator bot APB Its one of those things, and no point in QQin over it, aslong as theres a need for a currency in a game - then somewhere and somehow a bot will come about.
Regardless of how many are banned etc - more will appear and replace those banned if not the same people, as half of them will have throw away accounts. I know that botting has always been around.
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I kept analyzing the trading activities and I was shocked on what I saw. As expected, the names are about legends and famous poems. - Order history.