How to Report Spills and Environmental Violations
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We've made some changes to EPA. Are you concerned about an environmental situation within your community but don't know where to go for answers? Many issues are handled at the local level. You may first want to try contacting your local government office for concerns about trash, litter, strange odors, recycling pickup, and household chemical disposal, including paints, pesticides, oil, antifreeze, etc. You community right to buy regulations for liquids find information about your local government in the blue pages of your telephone book or by contacting your public library.
For concerns that may not be handled at the local level, the next step is to contact your state environmental agency. Information about state agencies can be found in the blue pages of your telephone book as well. For pesticide poisoningcall if the person is unconscious, has trouble breathing, or has convulsions. Otherwise, call Poison Control at An environmental violation occurs when an activity or an existing condition does not comply with an environmental law or regulation.
Environmental violations can include community right to buy regulations for liquids are not limited to:. An environmental emergency is a sudden threat to the public health or the well-being of the environment, arising from the release or potential release of oil, radioactive materials, or hazardous chemicals into the air, land, or water. These emergencies may occur from transportation accidents, events at chemical or other facilities using or manufacturing chemicals, or as community right to buy regulations for liquids result of natural or man-made disaster events.
If you are involved in or witness an environmental emergency that presents a sudden threat to public health, you must call the National Response Center at: You can view reports of previous incidents reported to the National Response Center.
Data received via the National Railroad Hotline are also available, as are reports taken during drills or spill exercises. Contact Us to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem.
Jump to main content. An official website of the United States government. How to Report Spills and Environmental Violations Are you concerned about an environmental situation within your community but don't know where to go for answers?
Who do I call to report an oil or chemical spill, or other environmental emergency that poses a sudden threat to public health? Where do I report the illegal use of a pesticide, or another possible violation of environmental laws or regulations? When am I required to report an oil spill or hazardous substance release?
Resources in the event of pesticide poisoning, non-emergency pesticide spills, and chemical spills Learn about: What's an environmental violation versus an emergency?
Where can I find information on spills that community right to buy regulations for liquids already happened? Who do I call to report an oil or chemical spill or other environmental emergency that poses a sudden threat to public health? For emergencies and other sudden threats to public health, such as: Report dumping incidents in international ocean waters Report complaints, tips, and violations that have to do with lead-based paint For non-emergency, non-sudden-threat spills, see the section below.
Community right to buy regulations for liquids of Page Where do I report the illegal use of a pesticide, or another possible violation of environmental laws or regulations? View more information related to reporting incidents related to harm from pesticides when these groups may have been exposed: People Fish, wildlife and the environment Bees and other pollinators Pets and domestic animals Report dumping incidents in international ocean waters. Report complaints, tips, and violations that have to do with lead-based paint For all other incidents, fill out the form at epa.
Top of Page Resources in the event of pesticide poisoning, non-emergency pesticide spills, and chemical spills For pesticide poisoningcall if the person is unconscious, has trouble breathing, or has convulsions. For information about cleaning up or otherwise dealing with non-emergency pesticide spills, you can contact: Their contact information is on the product label.
Top of Page What's an environmental violation versus an emergency? Environmental violations can include but are not limited to: Examples of environmental emergencies include: Top of Page Where can I find information on spills that have already happened?