Choose between the 64-bit or 32-bit version of Office

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Sorry for the delay in responding. I've been beating my head against a wall to get this done for you. My goal was to provide some comprehensive reports that wouldn't require additional registry or file scanners. Inventory Pro or Enterprise is required to use these reports since they utilize the Uninstall string from the Applications scanner.

The bit OS architectures are a slam dunk since the bit Office can't be installed on them. The issue is with the bit systems. By parsing the uninstall strings we can determine if the Office architecture is 32 or bit.

I did not test this on systems with Office and, as mentioned earlier, is a different beast altogether. Import the following attachments into PDQ Inventory. There will be two Reports and two Collections. I tested these on standard and prostandard and pro and Office version 15x. You guys are awesome. I was looking for how to do this, and you already did it! Once again, 32 or 64 bit office 2010 how to tell great time saver! I 32 or 64 bit office 2010 how to tell more about the computers out on my network now than I ever did!

Hi, I need this as well. Not sure what happened to the original attachments and sorry for the delay in responding. This is great but what about Office version, Shane mentioned som custom Registry scanners, do you have any information regarding this? Is there a way I can run a report to determine MS Office architecture? I was able to I believe nail this down with the exception of Office I need this as well, where are the attachments?

Hi Guys, Not sure what happened to the original attachments and sorry for the delay in responding. Please sign in to leave a comment.

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I am trying to convert one of our apps to run on Win7 64 bit from XP 32 bit. One of the things that it uses is Excel to import files. It's a little complicated since it was using Microsoft. I found Office 14 has a 64bit version I can download. I downloaded Office Beta but it didn't seem to install Microsoft.

How do I determine what 32bit office products this is reffering to? My Dell came with Microsoft Works installed. I don't know if this is 32 or 64 bit. Is there anyway to tell? I don't want to uninstall this if it's not the problem and I'm not sure what else might be the problem. This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

I don't have any experience with that, specifically, but Works isn't part of the office suite so I don't think that's the problem. I imagine that you still have some component left over from Office or This includes Project, Visio, etc.

I've run into this problem before when attempting to install Office bit as even an office program that was not going to be overwritten was causing problems. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered.

Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users. Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. How to tell if Microsoft Works is 32 or 64 bit? This question already has an answer here: Quick way to tell if an installed application is bit or bit 11 answers. Chris Thompson 1 5 Just what I was looking for. Bill, if that answers your question, go ahead and accept as the answer by clicking on the outlined checkmark.

For what it's worth, he had accepted it before it was migrated. If you're using Microsoft's Sysinternals Process Explorer as a replacement for the task manager, you can turn on the "Image type" column also, "Virtualized" is useful in cases of disappearing data in bit Windows. Super User works best with JavaScript enabled.