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The financial instruments mentioned in this document are derivative instruments. They do not qualify as units of a collective investment scheme pursuant to art. Investors do not benefit from the specific investor protection provided under the CISA.

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This publication does not constitute a simplified prospectus pursuant to art. The purchase of the financial products triggers costs and fees. Such activity may influence the market price, the price movement, or the liquidity of the financial products. Any - including only partial - reproduction of any article or picture is solely permitted based on an authorization from Leonteq Securities AG. The information on this website is intended only for persons residing or having their registered office in Switzerland.

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The value of any investment may be subject to fluctuations and, in some circumstances, investors may not recover the original amount invested. Exchange rate fluctuations may also cause the value of an investment to rise or fall. No action has been or will be taken to permit a public offering of the products or possession or distribution of any offering material in relation to the products in any jurisdiction, where such action for that purpose is required.

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Product Group Tracker Certificate. Product Type Tracker Certificate. Settlement Type Cash Settlement. Issue Price EUR Tradable Volume Bid Tradable Volume Ask Life Cycle Initial Fixing Date First Trading Day Last Trading Day Product Specific Features Conversion Ratio 0. Cannot load the chart. Please try again later.

Disclaimer This publication serves only for information purposes and is not research; it constitutes neither a recommendation for the purchase of financial instruments nor an offer or an invitation for an offer. Do not show this disclaimer for the next 30 days. Important information The information on this website is intended only for persons residing or having their registered office in Switzerland.

Proprietary information All intellectual property rights e. Performance Past performance is not an indication or guarantee of future performance of a product or underlying asset.

Selling restrictions No action has been or will be taken to permit a public offering of the products or possession or distribution of any offering material in relation to the products in any jurisdiction, where such action for that purpose is required.

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