Trump Is Wrong on Trade, But Right That Germany’s Surplus Is a Problem

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Tuesday, however, he had some harsh words for Merkel's Germany. Germany china trade deficit by year bad for U. This will change," he tweeted on Tuesday morning. Trump often brings up trade deficits with other countries, but economists say that this is the wrong way to think about trade deficits. Moreover, to cast trade deficits as uniformly bad — as some sort of score of who's winning and losing in global economics — ignores the substantial gains that countries make from trade.

A trade deficit results when a country imports more than it exports — that is, it buys more germany china trade deficit by year the rest of the world than it sells to the rest of the world. Trump is talking here about what is called a bilateral trade deficit — a trade deficit that describes only what two countries buy from and sell to each other. That's substantial — around one-eleventh of the total U. And the total U.

Caring all that much about the U. The economic union between European nations means it doesn't make sense to single out Germany in particular.

But much more germany china trade deficit by year, bilateral trade deficits just don't say much about U. But I can't have a surplus with my grocer. I have to buy from them.

Were you to look solely at Hills' grocery bills, you might think she were in dire financial straits; it would look like she spends all her money there, and they never give her any back. But the grocer is simply better at providing food than Hills is, so she relies on him. And that grocer likely isn't trained to fill cavities, so the grocer goes to a dentist for that.

And on and on and on — this is just how trade works. Countries sell the things that they are good at producing, and they can simply buy the things they're not so good at producing germany china trade deficit by year other places. Likewise, while the U.

And that might sound bad — it sounds like the U. Moreover, a trade deficit subtracts from the nation's total GDP. And because a lot of what the U. But a big trade deficit isn't necessarily bad. There are a few ways to see why this is. One is that a trade deficit doesn't say much about the overall current health of the economy — a surplus or a shrinking deficit doesn't necessarily signal a healthy economy, and a bigger deficit doesn't necessarily mean a failing economy.

Here's one simple example of why that is: That didn't signify good economic health and Americans suddenly producing more compared to other countries; it signified Americans buying less stuff from other countries. So all those dollars going out aren't necessarily a bad thing. And here's one big reason why: Other countries are investing in the U. That means Americans don't have to sock away a bunch of money germany china trade deficit by year fund that investing which is good, because Americans aren't saving enough to do that, as Ydstie reported.

This does show a potentially dangerous flip side to a trade deficit, however: A big trade deficit may have therefore been related to the housing bubble of the mids, Irwin explained.

The dollar's considered a safe asset, so it's germany china trade deficit by year used; it's widely popular; it's in demand.

All that demand for dollars makes the dollar stronger. And a strong dollar hurts exports, because it makes U. That can push up the trade deficit. Moreover, this implies that the U. But then, for a factory worker whose plant has moved to Mexico, it could be tough to make the case that trade isn't a destructive force. This is the hard truth of the trade-offs of trade: And something similar is true of trade deficits: A previous version of this story said that "the U.

Accessibility links Skip to main content Keyboard shortcuts for audio player. Facebook Twitter Flipboard Email. May 30, 3: This will change — Donald J. Trump realDonaldTrump May 30, Correction May 31, A previous version of this story said that "the U.

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Japan has said it started the year with a trade deficit as imports of fossil fuel overwhelmed the revenue from outbound shipments from the Asian nation. The negative figure came after a long period of surpluses. The world's third-largest economy posted a trade deficit of The value of inbound shipments climbed by 7. Japan has had to purchase more fossil fuel for power generation since the meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station.

Of the country's 42 workable nuclear reactors, only three are currently in operation amid persistent public concerns about the use of atomic energy. The value of outbound shipments from Japan jumped by Shipments to the world's second-largest economy, Japan's biggest trading partner, surged by Japan's sensitive trade surplus with the United States shrank by Japan's economy meanwhile has recorderd its longest uninterrupted growth since The word's third-largest economy has grown by a much stronger rate than expected by analysts, fresh figures from the government have shown.

The expansion came on the back of stronger domestic demand. A surprise jump in China's April exports has caused its massive trade surplus with the US to grow further, putting additional strain on high-level trade talks next week aimed at avoiding a trade war over the issue.

Germany's statistics office has reported a renewed annual rise in the country's exports and imports. Europe's powerhouse managed to slightly narrow its trade surplus which has been in the firing line for many years. China's export growth unexpectedly fell last month, the first drop since February That's unlikely to ease trade tensions as the country's widening surplus with the US is likely to further infuriate Donald Trump. Fears are mounting that the economic problems in Italy will only get worse with a new government.

The "Sofia Declaration" no longer mentions accession and instead focuses on a "European perspective. A new report says that a German intelligence agent was able to get a sample of Novichok from Russia shortly after the end of the Cold War.

Insights gained from the sample are reportedly still important today. Some locals are not happy that their conference hall has been given over to war simulators. Change it here DW. COM has chosen English as your language setting. COM in 30 languages. News Far-right protest for release of 'Nazi Grandma' Middle East Iran and Israel's Syrian shadow war laid bare Business Trump believes China has 'much to give' in trade talks Business Japan logs trade deficit after months of surpluses Japan has said it started the year with a trade deficit as imports of fossil fuel overwhelmed the revenue from outbound shipments from the Asian nation.

China trade boosted The value of outbound shipments from Japan jumped by Japan's economic upswing comes at a cost.

Japan economy in fastest expansion in over two years The word's third-largest economy has grown by a much stronger rate than expected by analysts, fresh figures from the government have shown.

Send us your feedback. Print Print this page Permalink http: Italy's south makes Greece look prosperous. The week in review. EU keen on Balkans reform, cool on accession. Germany got Novichok chemical sample from Russia in s.