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Read more of this story at Slashdot. News for nerds, stuff that matters. Comcast's Xfinity internet customers have been reporting multiple websites, including PayPal, Steam, and TorrentFreak have been getting blocked by the ISP's "protected browsing" setting.

The "protected browsing" setting is designed to space marine miniature bitstamp the risk of accessing known sources of malware, spyware, space marine miniature bitstamp phishing for all devices connected to your home network. It's space marine miniature bitstamp to Google Chrome's security settings that warn you when you have an insecure connection. But it's odd that Xfinity's security setting would be blocking perfectly harmless sites like PayPal. Multiple consumers have been reporting on Comcast's forums and elsewhere that they've been blocked while trying to access sites that many people use every day.

After posting about it on the forums, one user who said they couldn't access PayPal said the problem with that particular site had been fixed. Researchers find fake news reaches users up to 20 times faster than factual content -- and real users are more likely to spread it than bots.

Now a group of scientists say they have found evidence Swift was right -- at least when it comes to Twitter.

In the paper, published in the journal Science, three MIT researchers describe space marine miniature bitstamp analysis of a vast amount of Twitter data: The findings make for unhappy reading. In other words, true facts don't get retweeted, while too-good-to-be-true claims are viral gold. Dieter Bohn, writing for The Verge: In a blog post today, Google is announcing that it's formally embarking on a project to convince the group in charge of web standards to adopt technology inspired by its Accelerated Mobile Pages AMP framework.

In theory, it would mean that virtually any webpage could gain the same benefits as AMP: This is important, a little tricky to understand, and critical to how the web and Google space marine miniature bitstamp in the future. In many ways, Google's success or failure in this endeavor will play a major role in shaping space marine miniature bitstamp the web works on your phone.

Publishers are worried about ceding too much control of their distribution to gigantic tech companies, and all of the above are worried that Google is not so much a steward of the web but rather its nefarious puppet master. Instead, he argues, go back and look at how dire the state of the mobile web space marine miniature bitstamp a few years ago, space marine miniature bitstamp AMP's inception.

Jon Favreau is going from "Avengers" blockbusters to a galaxy far, far away. The director, actor, producer and writer will take on a Star Wars starring role by helming a series destined for Disney's new streaming video service.

While Favreau is multi-talented, his focus will be on producing and writing the unnamed show. Favreau is space marine miniature bitstamp bonafide Star Wars fan who voiced a character in the animated "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" and also has appearance in the upcoming "Solo: A Star Wars Story. I can't wait to embark upon this exciting adventure. Almost two-thirds 64 percent of IT leaders say their security teams are considering implementing consumer-grade access to cloud services for employees.

According to the Identity and Access Management Index from digital security company Gemalto 54 percent of respondents believe that the authentication methods they implement in their businesses are not as good compared to those found on popular sites including Amazon and Facebook. Authentication methods applied in the consumer world can be applied to secure access to enterprise resources 70 percent of IT professionals believe.

But despite this, 92 percent of IT leaders express concern about employees reusing personal credentials for work. This comes as 61 percent admit they are still not implementing two-factor authentication to allow access to their network, potentially leaving themselves vulnerable to cyber criminals. What is it about human learning that allows us to perform so well with relatively little experience?

Today we get an answer of sorts thanks to the work of Rachit Dubey and colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley. They have studied the way humans interact with video games to find out what kind of prior knowledge we rely on to make sense of them.

It turns out that humans use a wealth of background knowledge whenever we take on a new game. And this makes the games significantly easier to play. But faced with games that make no use of this knowledge, humans flounder, whereas machines plod along in exactly the same way. Take a look at the computer game shown here. This game is based on a classic called Montezuma's Revenge, originally released for the Atari 8-bit computer in There is no manual and no instructions; you aren't even told which "sprite" you control.

And you get feedback only if you successfully finish the game. Would you be able to do so? How long would it take? You can try it at this website. In all likelihood, the game will take you about a minute, and in the process you'll probably make about 3, keyboard actions.

By contrast, the game is hard space marine miniature bitstamp machines: Computer hackers with a heart are descending space marine miniature bitstamp the Vatican to help tackle pressing problems particularly dear to Pope Francis, including how to better provide resources for migrants and encourage solidarity for the poor. The "Vatican Hackathon," an around-the-clock computer programming marathon, starts Thursday in the Vatican, with the full support of the pope, several Vatican offices and student volunteers from Harvard and MIT.

Organizers stressed that no firewalls will be breached or acts of computer piracy committed. An anonymous reader shares a report: There are two kinds of horror stories about Airbnb. When the home-sharing platform first appeared, the initial cautionary tales tended to emphasize extreme guest and occasionally host misbehavior.

But as the now decade-old service matured and the number of rental properties proliferated dramatically, a second genre emerged, one that focused on what the service was doing to the larger community: Airbnb was raising rents and taking housing off the rental market. It was supercharging gentrification while discriminating against guests and hosts of color. And as commercial operators took over, it was transforming from a way to help homeowners occasionally rent out an extra room into a purveyor of creepy, makeshift hotels.

Several studies have looked into these claims; some focused on just one issue at a time, or measured Airbnb-linked trends across wide swaths of the country. But a recent report by David Wachsmuth, a professor of Urban Planning at McGill Space marine miniature bitstamp, zeroes in on New York City in an effort to answer the question space marine miniature bitstamp exactly what home sharing is doing to the city.

Most of those rumors are true. Wachsmuth found reason to believe that Airbnb has indeed raised rents, removed housing from the rental market, and fueled gentrification -- at least in New York City. Anonymous readers share a report: President Trump is set to pit the video game industry against some of its harshest critics at a White House meeting on Thursday that's designed to explore the link between violent games [Editor's note: Following the attack at Marjory Stoneman High School, which left 17 students dead, Trump has said violent games are "shaping young people's thoughts.

Space marine miniature bitstamp people familiar with the White House's planning, but not authorized to speak on the record, confirmed those invitees. A spokeswoman for the White House declined to share a full list of participants on Wednesday. ESA confirmed its attendance this week, but the others did not respond to questions.

Space marine miniature bitstamp of them are expected to be some of the video-game industry's toughest critics, including Brent Bozell, space marine miniature bitstamp founder of the Parents Television Council, and Rep. Vicky Hartzler, a Republican from Missouri, the three people said. Founded inToronto-based TunnelBear has gained a solid reputation for its fun, cross-platform VPN app that uses quirky bear-burrowing animations to bring online privacy to the masses.

The company claims around 20 million people have used its service across mobile and desktop, while a few months back it branched out into password management with the launch of the standalone RememBear app. However, with significantly more resources now at its disposal, TunnelBear should be in a space marine miniature bitstamp position to absorb any losses that result from the transfer of ownership.

Cisco released 22 security advisories yesterday, including two alerts for critical fixes, one of them for a hardcoded password that can give attackers full control over a vulnerable system. The hardcoded password issue affects Cisco's Prime Collaboration Provisioning PCPa software application that can be used for the remote installation and maintenance of other Cisco voice and video products. Cisco PCP is often installed on Linux servers.

Cisco says that an attacker could exploit this vulnerability CVE by connecting to the affected system via Secure Shell SSH using the hardcoded password. The flaw can be exploited only by local attackers, and it also grants access to a low-privileged user account. In spite of this, Cisco has classified the issue as "critical.

For these reasons, the SIR has been set to Critical. An space marine miniature bitstamp reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: Amazon announced this morning space marine miniature bitstamp will offer a low-cost version of its Prime membership program to qualifying recipients of Medicaid. The new program is an expansion on Amazon's discounted Prime service for customers on government assistance, launched in June Now that same benefit is arriving for recipients of Medicaid, the public assistance program providing medical coverage to low-income Americans.

To qualify for the discount, customers must have a valid EBT or Medicaid card, the retailer says. Rich Haridy reports via New Atlas: New research from scientists at UC San Francisco is challenging half a century of conventional wisdom by suggesting the human brain may cease producing new neurons beyond childhood. While space marine miniature bitstamp divisive study may prove a blow to some research aimed at birthing new neurons to battle neurodegenerative disorders, it offers a new perspective on how the human brain can adapt in later life without such a capability.

The team generated its data by studying brain specimens of 59 subjects, from babies to the elderly. The strategy was to look for the presence of young neurons or dividing cells by using certain antibodies that bind to those cells of interest. The focus was on the hippocampus region of the brain, known to be crucial for memory, and a comprehensively studied area previously suggested to be a key location for neurogenesis.

The results were fairly comprehensive. Young or immature neurons space marine miniature bitstamp identified in plentiful volumes in prenatal and newborn samples but the rate consistently declined over childhood.

The oldest sample that immature neurons were found in was 13 years of age, and space marine miniature bitstamp samples displayed no evidence of new neurons. The study has been published in the journal Nature. NASA's Juno spacecraft has revealed that Jupiter's iconic striped bands, caused by immensely powerful winds, extend to a depth of about 3,km below the surface.

The findings are published in four separate papers in the journal Nature, describing the planet's gravitational field surprisingly asymmetricalatmospheric flows, interior composition and polar cyclones. A crucial question was whether the bands on Jupiter, caused by air currents that are five times as strong as the most powerful hurricanes on Earth, were a "weather" phenomenon comparable to the Earth's jet streams or space marine miniature bitstamp of a deep-seated convection system.

Juno's latest observations point to the latter, showing the jets continued to around 3,km beneath the surface -- deep enough to cause ripples and asymmetries in the planet's gravitational field that were perceptible to detectors on the spacecraft.

On Earth, the atmosphere represents about a millionth of the mass of the whole planet.

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Apple chart from Tart to Sweet i. I still love the old carnifex model, it has so much character. This is very exciting, and sculpts have come such a long way from single pose Space Marines and those axe wielding Goffs. With autoguns twice their height. That's the curse of tabletop miniature games. Normally post updates to my Instagram and realised I hadn't put him here for feedback! Swapping the weapons around makes the model so much nicer. I had forgotten all about this!

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