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He will have his own booth! Time to get working! Aight to know what things we can do, you've got to know what parts you have.
Alessandruino currently has the following parts: I am as well so at least there should be some pieces of my robot, or even maybe the whole robot if I can pack him easily in my suitcase! As I mentioned to Gael, I don't actually exist in physical form So of course I'll be there "virtually" ;. Either that or push him around in a wheelchair with some big batteries on board.
First thought was, how to control a hand - the idea of moving sliders on a web page seem kind of futile We could bundle movements in simple controls - like "close hand"..
I have all the pieces for this!! A little simple robot s might be good One of the benefits of MRL is that through communication you can make dumb hardware into much smarter hardware. As for a RasPi I know you've wanted one for a while What about a robot that picks the object by the color people posted on twitter? Little tiny robots with TopCodes on their heads could be controlled via MRL through bluetooth communication and an overhead camera.
Flavio mentioned control through twitter, web, or phone.. The general idea I think is a very powerful one - I wrote a long boring article here: ShoutBox beta - powered by MRL. Who's online There are currently 2 users and 3 guests online. Online users kwatters kyle. User login Log in using OpenID: Create new account Request new password. Who's new angrymeat mimorikay Quevin fc JL-P. Recent blog posts Willie is O K!! I need some build assistance from the community. Inmoov Brain Per request: Crossing the Rift into the Yolo valley.
Let's Get Encoders Worky! Lets get some ideas to make some kick-ass demostrations, events and experiments! GroG's blog Login or register to post comments. Comment viewing options Flat list - collapsed Flat list - expanded Threaded list - collapsed Threaded list - expanded. Date - newest first Date - oldest first. Select your preferred way to display the comments and click "Save settings" to activate your changes.