Best OS for mining?

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Pimp OS works great for me. Get fed up with win My rig would randomly stop mining or power down for no reason. The best OS is the one you know well, and can use. I simplemining easy os for ethereum eller ethsc mining a custom image which is blazingly fast even on USB 2. It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! June in Mining.

I do want to mod the bios and the timing straps on my RX s when they arrive so if that effects any decisions please take that in to account. June edited June Anyways consider whether or not you want the ability to mine different coins in the future. Windows OS allows mining of almost all coins so its a safe bet always.

Go with what is more familiar and easier for you. I like EthOS because of its relative ease of set-up and use. Also just report nhidog, he keeps doing this and once we get enough reports we can be rid of him. Post edited by praesto on June I'm in same boat too. Won't be doing Windows, it will be Linux based, just trying to decide which flavor. Is there a benefit of straight up linux over Ethos? For now i'll run windows 10, adjust the bios on the mobo for AC recovery and hopefully that will mean that my rig will auto restart all the time.

Hopefully claymore miner has a mine on boot up feature. I would recommend using https: January 13 edited Simplemining easy os for ethereum eller ethsc mining Yeah guys, I agree, Perfectmine is really cool.

They added some new functionality, so now it's even better than it was. The best thing about it is that it lets you mine almost any crypto means you can switch to what's hot and it's easy to use as hack - took me like 10min to download, setup and start mining. Some of the goodies they have: Sign In or Register to comment.

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