How To Care For Begonias Indoors

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With the winter months coming to an end and spring on the horizon, you may well look to the garden and start plotting another year of beautiful borders and overflowing hanging baskets. In recent years, Begonias have soared in popularity for their versatility and reliability. These colourful favourites will solve all your summer garden needs, from hanging baskets and window boxes to borders and pots. With such a shining reputation, its an easy choice to make but you may be wondering which variety is for you.

Although it has been theorised that Begonias have been around for thousands of years, the plants first got their name in Native to the slopes of the Andes, tuberous Begonia thrived naturally in the cool mountain temperatures and moist shade of the Amazon rainforest.

Hundreds of years of propagation and hybridisation has given us the larger, more colourful and diverse Begonia. Nowadays we are spoilt for choice, with everything from giant, double flowering show-stoppers to unusual, fringed favourites. Double Flowering — Ruffled, double flower heads.

Clusters of brightly-coloured, delicate petals create a cheerful rainbow of colour on a bed of attractive green foliage. Cascading — Trailing double begonias with a graceful, trailing habit, perfect for hanging baskets or tumbling from large pots on the patio. Giant Cascading — Similar in habit to the Cascading variety, these fantastic specimens produce an avalanche of impressively large double blooms which can reach up to 15cm across for a truly show-stopping hanging basket display.

Non-Stop — As the name suggests, these beautiful Begonias will keep producing endless flowers throughout summer, making them a premium choice begonia care winter uk your border and patio displays. Odorata — A range of premium cascading begonias in elegant shades of pink, red and begonia care winter uk with the added bonus of a very pleasant fragrance.

Multiflora — A cheerful selection of low-growing, bold, brightly-coloured flowers with lovely olive green foliage. Samba — An unusual range of upright, intricately fringed begonias in a mixture of soft pastel colours. Superba — This new range of Begonias produces compact plants of just cm smothered in giant flowers throughout the summer. The giant flower size on such a compact plant makes these an eye-catching subject. Fimbriata — Large vibrant blooms with serrated edges stand upright begonia care winter uk a bed of spades shaped foliage.

Give your patios charm throughout summer with their red, pink, yellow, white and orange frilled blooms, also known as Fringed Begonia care winter uk.

Mighty Mini — A superb new Begonia variety with a dwarf habit, producing large flowers on cm plants. The compact nature of these specimens coupled with their comparably large blooms makes them the perfect choice for creating drama and impact in smaller spaces such as patio pots and border fronts. Tubers can even be stored over winter and reused year after year, making the Begonia begonia care winter uk excellent value for money.

Preferring half-sun and rich, moist soil with good drainage, we recommend that Begonias are grown indoors first and planted outdoors only when all traces of frost have disappeared. Growing Begonias from quality tubers helps improve results. We only supply the best grade tubers possible to offer begonia care winter uk the best results.

They are simple to plant, care for and the high level of results they achieve make them an easy choice when growing Begonias. Begonia sizes are measured by the diameter of the tuber. The tubers are counted into breathable bags and carefully packed to be delivered to you. We always state the tuber size so please check the description before ordering. You can follow some top tips for success with Begonias below, or watch our video begonia care winter uk with Jeff for his sage advice on planting cascading Begonias for hanging baskets.

I found your guide on growing Begonias very helpful, however you did not mention the maggot that burrows into the corm after flowering and can destroy the corm, I regularly inspect my corms for this nasty little maggot. Thanks for the tip Christine! Thanks again for sharing! Last year I bought Begonia Glowing Embers from you and emailed you asking how to overwinter them.

I received no reply. I have bought some again this year and am hoping for a reply this time! Thanks for getting in touch Clare! Not sure where you asked your query but very sorry to hear you received no reply. To over winter you tubers, all you need to do is start by digging up the tubers once they have begonia care winter uk back as we get into the winter months.

This begonia care winter uk be late autumn, before the frost. You can keep these in an ordinary cardboard box, somewhere cool and dry throughout the winter free from damp. Another good tip is to dust them with sulpher powder prior to storing them, as this can help prevent mildew.

Thanks so much for your order! Tubers at this time of year are sent out within 28 days, as the weather starts to get milder for them. We were amazed at the value and huge non stop flowers that lasted through to autumn.

I am ready to start again this year and looking forward to more super blooms. My tip for growers in northern parts is start in March unless you can keep the growing plants indoors from frost……. Great tip Phil, thanks for sharing! Your email address will not be published. History Although it has been theorised that Begonias have been around for thousands of years, the plants first got their name in Variations Double Flowering — Ruffled, double flower heads. Tubers Tubers can even be stored over winter and reused year after year, making the Begonia plant excellent value for money.

How to Grow You can follow some top tips for success with Begonias below, or watch our video series with Jeff for his sage advice on planting cascading Begonias for hanging baskets. You can start planting Begonia tubers from February onwards.

Mix begonia care winter uk good top-soil with one-sixth part of manure should form the basis. Soot and bonemeal added to the compost will be appreciated. As soon as the shoots of the tubers are about 2cm long pot them up in 15cm pots and place them into larger pots as the roots reach the sides of the pot.

Plant in full sun or partial shaded areas. The more access to sun, the more vibrant the colours will be. You can feed once every two weeks with a high potassium up until the blooms begin to fade. Make sure they are watered regularly during the summer and that the soil is not allowed to dry out. Begonias love begonia care winter uk and begonia care winter uk use up quite a lot during the hotter spells in the summer. Begonia care winter uk tubers begonia care winter uk flowering has finished and the leaves have begun to turn yellow.

Store in a dry, cool but frost-free location over the winter. Store in soil that is only a little moist and keep this a little moist over the winter with irregular watering to keep the tubers from drying out. Great, but I am waiting for my order to arrive before I can plant the tubers!

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