How to safely sell digital Bitcoins

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Guess what, you can. So, let me tell you how it works. Please know that this a totally safe approach and probably the best one but the responsibility totally lies upon you so do your due diligence before entering into any sort of transaction. You are probably aware of the fact that eBay and PayPal don't cover very well the digital products. That's because obviously scammers use those methods to steal from you.

And, both PayPal and eBay favors sell bitcoin on ebay customer, so if you do not want to loose your Bitcoins, then you should probably pay attention to the following.

The problem with offering Bitcoins on eBay, by entirely accepting them electronically is that there is no physical angle involved. Which is why PayPal sides with the purchaser they aren't accustomed to selling digital products, simply tangible items.

So if you sell Bitcoins on eBay, you thus have to have something tangible involved and if it has tracking, its virtually impossible to get a charge sell bitcoin on ebay. After you receive the payments, ask the buyer to send his Bitcoin wallet address using a private eBay message and by email.

In your offer, mention "The Seller reserves the right to cancel the transaction at any time. If this is the case, full refund will be issued. You will find another safe buyer. There is no refund in case the wrong wallet address is provided.

Do not forget Bitcoin transfer is sell bitcoin on ebay. Check the buyer reviews. Look for positive recommended reviews and check the review's dates. It is recommended to consider the latest reviews and then act based on those reviews. Then as suggested by Paypal themselves, feel free to ask an ID photocopy in order to verify the Paypal account.

It is the best way to sell safely bitcoins worldwide via Paypal. At last, send the buyer your Blockchain reference form the sell bitcoin on ebay transaction. It should look like this http: It will sell bitcoin on ebay the transactions to the buyer for confirmation. This is more of a similar method to using Local Bitcoins website but I don't like those because the rates are simply too high for the likes of me. Minnowbooster's got your back!

The OriginalWorks bot has determined this post by ghayas to be original material and upvoted it! To call OriginalWorkssimply reply to any post with originalworks or! For more information, Click Here! Special thanks to reggaemuffin for being a supporter! Vote him as a sell bitcoin on ebay to help make Steemit a better place!

Well, I sell virtually anything on EBay, but never considered crypto. Food for thought, thanks: Sell bitcoin on ebay to sell Bitcoin on eBay! Ever wondered if you can sell your bitcoin, ethereum or any other altcoins? Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.

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