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The final project reports and sites are now posted: Thanks to everyone for your contributions to the class! Wednesday, 2 Dec and Monday 7 Dec: See Class 25 for schedule. These people are scheduled to present Wednesday: Friday, 4 December , 3: The security community puts enormous effort into detecting malware, stopping the next Heartbleed, and sandboxing bad content.
What you see as a single icon might be the end product of months of work by engineers, designers, security experts, and user researchers.
Along with her team, Dr. Felt is responsible for building and improving the security warnings, indicators, and settings that you see in Chrome today. Monday, 7 December See Class 25 for details. Download slides with annotations.
Project Progress Reports due see Class Final Project Presentations see below. Project Final Reports see below. How Much is Bitcoin Worth: The final project presentations will be in class on Wednesday, 2 December and Monday, 7 December. The schedule of the presentations is below. Your presentation should be well prepared and enthusiastically delivered! You should send a link to your presentation PDF, PowerPoint, or anything that works in Firefox browser to ccc-staff before To submit your final report, send an email to ccc-staff cs.
Title and cc-ing all of your team members. The official deadline for the final reports is Monday, 7 December A one-sentence description of your project. This should be a clear, well-written sentence that will be enough for someone to understand what you did and why.
A URL that points to a publicly-viewable web page that describes your project. The linked page can and probably should contain links to other pages e. For example, the link you send could be a link to http: Please try to put your project site somewhere that will not expire when you graduate from UVa, but that can survive forever.
Your project report should be a well-written and readable paper about your project. For most projects, this should include at least: For projects that do not involve building something, it may make more sense for it to be a more integrated report.
By the end of this week, everyone should receive an email with your status in the class including feedback on PS3. The main message of this email will be guidance as to whether or not you should schedule a final exam. The main options are:. You are approaching what you need to do to convince us you deserve an A in the class, but need do more.
If your project is outstanding, that may be enough to make the case. You should plan on doing a final exam to convince us otherwise! The final exam will be an oral exam where you will explain how bitcoin works, and then answer a few follow-up questions. These will be scheduled during the scheduled final exam time Friday, 11 December pm and other times. Monday, 23 November 8: Teams that did not present their project in class Wednesday, should be ready to present well on Monday!
To see them, download the slides. Litecoin boasts faster confirmations 2. Does this help you gain confidence in a given transaction faster at which point it is unlikely to be double-spent? Starting Wednesday and every following class: Be prepared to give an elevator pitch for your project.
Your pitch should be no more than 2 minutes long. You may use visuals as long as you can obtain them by quickly entering a URL in a web browser. Your pitch should get across in a convincing and engaging way:. Send an email to ccc-staff cs. The email should have a subject line, Project: Title , with your project title. Its body should contain at least this information:. A link to the website for your project this could be a github page if you want.
That site should have a front page that describes your project, lists the team members, and provides more information about your project.
A short paragraph explaining how your project has changed since the preliminary proposal email. This should explain if the goals of your project have changed and why. A description of what you plan to do to complete your project, and your plans for doing this.
If you have a multi-person team, this should include an explanation of how your team is working together and who is doing what.
The issue he noticed is that if the bank knows all the possible I values all the customer identities , and receives one of the identity split perimages, e. This is done by just xor-ing all the I values with I 1L to find a guess for I 1R , and then computing the hash to check if it is the right one.
As I presented the scheme, this would be a big vulnerability! To defeat this, we need to ensure that the set of possible I values is not known even to the bank. One way to do this would be to add some randomness in the I values used in the generated banknotes used in the cut-and-choose for the blind signatures. Each note with have a different I , but one the bank can verify is still the right account owner.
Scaling Bitcoin and Web Bitcoin Blockchain 2. Last class, we talked about using Graph Isomorphism as the basis for a zero knowledge proof, based on the assumption that it is a computationally hard problem to determine if two graphs are isomorphic. Yesterday, Laszlo Babai presented a result that claims a quasipolynomial time algorithm for graph isomorphism that is, shows graph isomorphism is not a hard enough problem to use as the basis for a zero knowledge proof.
Note that this has no bearing on the zero knowledge proofs based on the hardness of graph three-coloring, which, unlike graph isomorphism, is know to be NP-Complete.
Explains how zero-knowledge protocols work using a story about the Strange Cave of Ali Baba. Ben Sasson et al. Decentralized anonymous payments from Bitcoin. Anonymous distributed e-cash from bitcoin.
Names of everyone on the project team - you may work on your own, or with any number of teammates. The expected impressiveness of your project should scale at least as the square root of the number of project members. Idea for your project - one or two paragraphs that explain what the purpose of your project is and what you plan to do. Expected outcome - what you hope will be the outcome of your project.
This should explain what you expect to be able to deliver by the end of semester, and how the world will benefit from it. Related work - list of projects which could include papers, companies, etc. You do not have to have studied these in detail yet, but should have identified starting points to look at. Your email should have as its subject line: Title where Title is the title of your project.
It should include your answers to the six points above, clearly numbered. Do not use any PDF attachments unless it is really necessary to provide a figure for your idea to be understandable. Problem Set 3 is due Sunday, 8 November 8: A Fistful of Bitcoins: Voelker, and Stefan Savage.
Internet Measurement Conference , Friday, November 13 Project Update: Monday, November 23 Last class: An Alliterative, Allegorical Adventure into Cryptocurrency. Problem Set 3 is now posted, and is due Sunday, 8 November 8: You should have received an email with information on the bitcoin ransomware addresses to use for PS3. You can read several interesting posts of his on the BlockCypher Blog.
For some background on the current entrepreneurial landscape in cryptocurrencies, Josh send along this report: The midterm exam will be in class, Wednesday, 21 October.
The midterm will be closed-resources, but is meant to test understanding, not memorization.