The 5-Minute Forex "Momo" Trade

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For one, I simply felt like breaking things up a bit for my own enjoyment. Therefore, introducing some second trades into my blog can serve to lend some advice on how I would approach these. Also, it is more difficult to be as accurate with these trades as the minute trades, due to the inherent level of noise on the 1-minute chart, in my opinion.

Find support and resistance levels in the market where short-term bounces can be had. Pivots points and Fibonacci retracement levels can be particularly useful, just as they are on other timeframes while trading longer-term instruments. Take trade set-ups on the first touch of the level.

For those who are not familiar with the way I normally trade the minute expiries from the 5-minute chart, I normally look for an initial reject of a price level I already have marked off ahead of time.

If it does reject the level, this helps to further validate the robustness of the price level and I will look to get in on the subsequent touch. Expectedly, this leads to a lower volume of trades taken in exchange for higher accuracy set-ups. To provide a baseball analogy, a hitter who normally maintains a batting average of. On the other hand, in that same span, he might hit. Continue to consider price action e. But without further ado, I will simple 5minute bitcoin trading strategy you all of my second trades from Monday and I how I put all of the above into practice.

To avoid confusion, I will briefly describe each trade according to the number assigned to it in the below screenshots. On the first re-touch of 1. Similar to the first trade I took a put option on the re-touch of 1. This trade also won. A third put options at 1. This trade lost, simple 5minute bitcoin trading strategy price went above my level and formed a new daily high. Price formed a newer low at 1. I took a call option on the re-touch of 1.

Basically the same trade as the previous one. Price was holding pretty well at 1. On a normal move, I would take a put option there, but momentum was strong on the 2: Several put options almost set up on the 1. So my next trade was yet another call option down near where I had taken call options during my previous two trades. I felt this was a safer move as just half-a-pip can be crucial in determining whether a second trade is won or lost. Call option down at 1. However, the minute after this trade expired in-the-money, the market broke below 1.

This trade was a put option at 1. Nevertheless, this trade did not win as price continued to climb back into its previous trading range. I decided simple 5minute bitcoin trading strategy take a put option at the touch of 1. This trade might seem a bit puzzling at first given a new high for the day had been established and that momentum was upward. But by simply watching the candle it seemed that price was apt to fall a bit.

It was also heading into an area of recent resistance so once it hit 1. For this trade, the high of day initially made on the 2: I had intended to take a put option at this level on the 3: And then for maybe seconds, my price feed was delayed and by the time it the connection was recovered it was over a pip above my intended entry.

I did end up using the 1. Simple 5minute bitcoin trading strategy took a put option on the touch of the level. Once again, I used the current daily simple 5minute bitcoin trading strategy of 1. But price busted through and this trade lost. Another fifteen minutes passed by before I was able to take another trade set-up.

This time, I used 1. This trade was probably my favorite set-up of the day simple 5minute bitcoin trading strategy was aided by the fact that the trend was up. It turned out to be a winner. For put options at this point, I had an eye toward 1. So I decided to take a put option at the touch of 1. This trade turned out to be a nice four-pip winner. My final trade of the day was a call option back down at 1. This was another good four-pip winner. After that I was waiting for price to come up and simple 5minute bitcoin trading strategy if 1.

Also, I was feeling a bit fatigued by simple 5minute bitcoin trading strategy point and decided to call it quits for the day. But, in general, I have faith in my strategy to predict future market direction with a reasonable level of accuracy, and my ability to apply it to any market or timeframe.

I also enjoyed toying around with the 1-minute options, as it was a new experience, and Simple 5minute bitcoin trading strategy would definitely consider adding more second option days into my regimen in the future. Basic 60 Second Strategy My basic strategy toward second options goes as follows: Trade History Using 1 Minute Expiry 1: Put option back up at the 1. Another put option at 1. Similar simple 5minute bitcoin trading strategy 12, I used 1. Where Do I trade?

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There are a lot of ways to trade the 5 minute binary options expiry. This time frame is one of the most versatile in terms of the types of strategies you can use because it is inherently volatile yet at the same time can sustain a trend long enough to be useful to us binary options traders. You can look at the bigger picture with 5 minute candles or you can drill down to 1 minute charts to see the swings in momentum. When choosing a strategy it really comes down to what kind of trader you are, what types of analysis you prefer and in the end, the asset you are trading.

When it comes to assets there is really no one class that performs best in the 5 minute time frame although most binary traders prefer forex, commodities and indices, not necessarily in that order.

When using the 5 minute expiry set charts to 1, 2 or 5 minute for best effect. Most strategies are adaptable to any time frame, the caveat is that the shorter the time frame the less reliable the signal. A candlestick signal on the daily charts is stronger than one on the hourly charts that is likewise stronger than one on the one minute charts. This video shows how to use multiple charts at IQ Option. This can be useful if trying to spot trends over multiple timeframes as mentioned above:.

Traders simply pay attention to price action, the minute to minute changes in prices, and how that action behaves in order to make trading decisions. In the old days this was done by watching the ticker tape all day, today it is much easier and more fun to use a charting package like MT4. These will work with charts set to 1,2 or 5 minutes.

Scalping Strategies — Scalping strategies are very short term form of price action trading although they also incorporate other types of signals as well. Scalping, simply put, is a trade based on what you think the market is going to do in the next period, and this usually means minutes, never more than 10, 5 is perfect.

These strategies do not care about trend, only on which direction the market is going now and if it will keep going that direction long enough to place a quick trade.

These are best used with charts set to 5 minutes as the signals are generally good for the very next candle. Japanese Candlestick Strategies — Japanese Candlesticks are the premier method of viewing trading charts and give a variety of signals that are at heart price action signals but can also be used for scalping and other types of strategies.

The candlesticks are nothing more than an expanded method of plotting price data on a chart but the effect is startling, almost like putting on a pair of glasses and seeing the world clearly for the first time. Candlestick signals are good with any chart setting, depending on which method of trading them you choose.

When prices, the market, moves it has momentum. Momentum is the amount of force behind the move, this force is the sum of the people and money moving into, or out of, an asset and can carry prices in once direction for an extended period of time.

When this happens you want to trade with the momentum using an indicator like MACD or stochastic. Sometimes the markets momentum will carry it too far in one direction and when it does, prices will swing in the opposite direction in order to rebalance.

Trend Following Strategies — When there is enough momentum, often described as the entrance of new money entering the market, a trend can be established. A trend is a periodic and systematic movement in which longer term moves in one direction more than offset nearer term corrections in another. Trends, like all aspects of technical analysis, can be both measured and predicted. This means that those nearer term corrections are entry points in trend following strategies.

This can be useful if trying to spot trends over multiple timeframes as mentioned above: