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Select topic All Topics 3ds amiga commodore community dreamcast ds gamecube gba general hacks n64 neo geo online shop ps2 ps3 ps4 psp psvita psx revolution wii saturn site info snes switch wii u xbox xbox one xbox There are currently guest s and 11 member s online. We received page views since June To find out why we added this warning, read this article. Rogero custom firmware based on CEX But as any CFW release you must install it with caution and by following proper instructions, No one will be held responsible for any damage caused.
New in this rel: Enter all of the features of iris manager V 2. Arranged multi scan function. Accelerated access to retroArch and all other features. Gamesonic, Orion, Pullecalo Version: Further improvements in the GUI. Insert 8 background pictures. Fixed bug with ntfs devices detection on cfw 4. Added ben 12 new colors for a total of Now when you close your browser you will automatically return to the manager. Updated self retroarch emulator. Fixed bug in repair console id option.
Updated French language, Portuguese and simplified Chinese. Provisioning of payload mamba only in zero and 4. Fixed bug that caused the console to crash when opening a games settings game iso format Fixed bug by User mode of the fan control utility.
Fixed bug of auto scan NTFS drives on cfw not cobra Increased speed of copying and deleting games in iso format.
Now the console id change is permanent. Added option unlocks payload that you want to enable for the discless or payloads mamba. Ben 13 gui additions for a total of Added gui manager from estwald. Fixed bug that slowed the start of manager. Source code clean from unnecessary strings. Enter the all new iris manager v 2.
Restored classic Layout of keys. Zip file includes ISO. New in this release: Added Latest cobra libraries to work on fw, 4. Added support for psx games, ps2, dvd and bluray with last MCU cobra. Recognition for iso ps3-ps2-dvd-bluray. Added option to create game original bluray iso direct from the manager. Added new icons for iso ps2-psx-DVDs-bluray. Reduced resources to change background color, grid and language. The browser will connect directly to google. Fixed many bugs with the fan control utility on cfw 4.
Updated tools to the network for an automatic gearbox the console id also on cfw 4. Auto insertion of Mamba payload. Scanning of NTFS accelerated devices. Settings for showtime directly by the manager. Fixed conflicts with the control fan of webma on cfw 4. Allow to restart PS3 system.
Allow to shutdown PS3 system. Allow to delete file system. Allow to hide PS3 system data. Allow to patch ConsoleID. Allow to patchl PSID. Allow to patch MAC. Allow to patch TargetID. Allow to patch data from USB device. Allow to show PS3 system information. This is a small app made by KW and inspired in the works of stoker25 psidpatch and user psnope.
The major objective is to spoof the console Id and disable cfw syscalls extensions in order to make your system more "safe" to go into the psn. Starting from psidpatch simple interface with the functionalities of psnope. New algorithms specially made for CFW disable and valid user account search. Another little tool from the ps2 days in autobooting iso format that cobra CFW users might find handy on their PS3.
Mount your ps2 mc's in the xmb and boot mcman to delete or backup saves to another mc, highlight a save and press start for options. Updated tools for network for cfw 4. Added option to load the console id and the psid added before restarting the console.
Added display of the psid tools for the network. Last inserted core retroarch. Fixed bugs of control fan utility on cfw 4. Corrected several bugs concerning the emulation of ps1 games. Manager cammufato from pes for better online security. Fake ofw remove cfw syscalls. Beep to indicate successful rif creation. Sony added some checks to syscall in fw 4. D removing cfw calls should work again. This new version gives support to 4. Multiman Manager base edition for PS3.
Updated Showtime for mM to version Fixed few other things. Opensource mediaplayer Showtime ported to PS3, built with psl1ght. Good for testing that your surround speaker setup is correct. Fix problems with various JPEG files. Make it possible to turn off video frame linear interpolation. Traditionally Showtime have interpolated video frames to match display output. Some users find that this may blur the video a bit so this feature can now be turned off.
Store per-file settings directly in file system. Gamesonic Backup Manager for PS3. Added a new Plugin Installer in the manager. XX DEX Retroarch is no longer included, gamesonic manager is a backup manager for ps3 games ps1-ps2-psp and must do this job, so I will not longer, also saw that there is no good way to implement it.
Fixed bug that kept the number of grids set by the user. Fixed bug that would crash the console when you went out from an iso. The plugin installer will detect if the CFW 4. Fixed bugs that delayed the launch of a few seconds. The ps2classic can be launched only from the file manager and not from the games list due to a bug. Gamepad test moved to the submenu "Advanced Tools". Gamesonic Manager Retroarch installer for PS3. This is a small PS3 app made by KW and inspired in the works of stoker25 psidpatch and user psnope.
New psnpatch version numbering to be side by side with the last supported CFW. Auto updates psnpatch plugins, cobra stealth extentions and version spoofing no needed to remove and re-install when a new psnpatch version is installed. Integrity check temporarily disabled as it is producing some false positives.
Game patcher for firmware 4.