Crypto crash: China’s ICO ban sends Bitcoin, Ethereum into a tailspin

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There is bad news coming out of China. It isn't another report of human right violations, nor is it smog choking industrial cities. For decades, a high annual economic growth has been one of the few positive things many in pboc china bitcoin minerals West, including the media, could associate with China.

That is far from the reality in the country right now. In the last few months, trouble has been brewing. While trying to avoid extensive pboc china bitcoin minerals, the government has been throwing everything it has in its toolbox at it. But nothing seems to be working; not a ceiling on stock traded or a cap on capital that can be moved out of the country. As a matter of fact, the Yuan has been growing weaker and weaker against the dollar and other major currencies for some months.

The impact on the stock and derivative markets has become very real over the time. Will investors in China and elsewhere see a safe place to put their money in the cryptocurrencies during the storm, hence pushing prices up? It is only appropriate to be cautious. This is for two reasons. First, the Chinese authorities have a history of blocking exits from the stock markets as a way of avoiding capital flight.

Pboc china bitcoin minerals means that pboc china bitcoin minerals this situation, investors who might want to sell their stock and buy Bitcoin cannot because of the caps or bans placed on them. Even if some investors are successful in selling, financial institutions in the country have their hands tied by the law. They cannot facilitate fiat-to-bitcoin transactions. Does that mean there cannot be an influence on the Bitcoin price from the current economic storm in China?

However, the likely major source of Bitcoin buying interest is going to come from other markets like the US and Europe where it is relatively easy to buy Bitcoins. But that is pboc china bitcoin minerals to whether investors in these regions will feel that their wealth is under any real threat.

Given pboc china bitcoin minerals fact, it should interest us to know how far the damage from the Chinese market storm can go. If not far enough, these investors from outside China will have little motivation to convert their wealth into cryptocurrencies. Nevertheless, we should have it in the back of our minds that all markets around the globe, whether financial, stock or derivative, are connected in one way or another.

And indeed, the Chinese markets being some of the largest in the world, we should expect major spillovers. One of the people who are agreeing with this viewpoint is Nicholas Melhuish, pboc china bitcoin minerals of global equities at Amundi Asset Management.

Indeed, the shockwaves from the Chinese markets are already moving to others at an incredible speed. It is also important to note that this has something to do with not only perceptions but pboc china bitcoin minerals real interconnectivity. China is a major importer of raw materials such as oil, copper, ore and others, which go into feeding its mega industrial complexes and development projects.

With a population of pboc china bitcoin minerals to 1. Taking the above points into consideration, a sluggish economy in China, pboc china bitcoin minerals, means a glut in the production of both industrial and consumer goods for other economies. This will have a general downward pressure on market prices. As a matter of fact, the World Street Journal has reported that the first week of January saw the lowest price for crude oil in 11 years.

Investors around the globe are likely to shy away from stocks of companies in oil or mineral, especially if their major market pboc china bitcoin minerals China. They could see buying bitcoins as a better alternative.

Then the bitcoin price could take wild leaps. Next Post Previous Post. Lowest point in 25 years of Chinese Market history As a matter of fact, the Yuan has been growing weaker and weaker against the dollar and other major currencies for some months. Other markets around the globe catching the cold Indeed, the shockwaves from the Chinese markets are already moving to others at an incredible speed. PBOC image from flickr. Random Article I'm Feeling Lucky! Popular Tags bitcoin price bitcoin news analysis report API price report bitcoin technical analysis bitcoinaverage echo blockchain debate segwit Guide blackfriday discount ripple skill ethereum reward halving subscription paypal feature amazon alexa migrate.

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