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The Blockchain is an emerging technology which provides a platform for managing digital assets. Blockchain also serves as a distributed ledger where all the transactions are stored publically. The high-level language Python can be used to develop Blockchain applications.
Installation method is described below. The package consists of 7 modules, they are: Block, Address, and Transaction are the major objects used in Blockchain.
Python package provides you many built-in functions to perform operations and transactions on these objects. To import the package to our Python code we can use the following code. The function will return the accessed block. Pass the transaction hash as a parameter to specify the object.
This method is used to return a single address and all its transactions. Pass the number of blocks as a parameter. The method takes one mandatory and three optional parameters as below. The object also returns overall balance, per address balance etc. All the basic operations related to a digital wallet is managed with this module. The digital wallet is an important organ of Blockchain based financial transactions.
It is similar to a bank account, all your digital assets are stored inside it. To import the package into our Python code we can use the following code. This function is used to create a new Blockchain. The new wallet can be created with a pre-generated private key or the method can generate a new private key. It will return a CreateWalletResponse instance. This module supports for managing the digital currency exchanges.
The module provides 2 built-in methods to facilitate the exchange process. This module will provide support for the transaction broadcasting. It contains only one function which is used for the broadcasting of transactions. This function is used to broadcast an encoded transaction to the blockchain.
The method will return an exception if the transaction is a distorted one. Use this module to implement the same. The method receives is used to generate a forwarding address. Get the list of call-backs performed for particular callback URL. The module can be used to obtain the complete blockchain statistics like the total number of blocks, a number of transactions, mined blocks, total bitcoins send, etc. While the createwallet module used only for creating a digital wallet, this module completes the rest of the operations in the wallet.
The module contains 7 built-in functions to perform different operations in a wallet. The methods in Wallet class are accessed through an initialized instance of Wallet class. See the below example. You can use send method to send the bitcoin from your wallet to a single address. A string representation of the archived address is returned by this method. A string representation of the un-archived address is returned by this method.