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The European Union launched a video campaign to brand itself more positively last week posted on the EU Israeli Embassy Facebook page — and what could be a better choice, than to use a pundit who advocates Palestinian genocide? A screen caption is available on Electronic Intifada. The video, presenting the many ties between EU and Israel, including tourism, export and import, and cooperation on technology and weapons industries, is presented by Avishai Ivri.

Ivri is a known right-wing nationalist pundit. Last year he appeared in an Israeli Walla News debate, speaking first about Elor Azarya who killed an incapacitated wounded Palestinian by a shot to the head at close range: The story is that he was caught… he was filmed. The hostess laughs, the whole debate is really up-beat, and no-one seems to mind this language.

We fucking write it with spray on the wall! How secret do you think we keep our solution? Then Ivri moves on to technology — high-tech — drones which are of course battle-tested against Palestinians , moving on to irrigation, cyber-security etc.

The EU has decided to use Ivri as its presenter. Sure, he has an upbeat style, he can talk. But what message is the EU sending Palestinians?

What is it saying to Israelis by using this person? What is it saying to the world? They must have gone through a process of finding a suitable candidate to represent them, this is no small task. Or worse — did they think that a person with his views would be a popular appeal to the Israeli public? This is why Israelis know they have nothing to fear from the EU.

The trade continues, on the backs of Palestinians. Other posts by Jonathan Ofir. If a poor, native Palestinian spoke similarly as the racist Avishai Ivri but was advocating for the opposite Palestinians murdering Jewish Israelis , they would be thrown in jail. Just imagine if someone took those comments and inserted Jew for Arab.

The two cannot be so transposed because one is a religion and the other a culture, but the point remains. Is this the solution to the excessive number of non-Jews in the occupied West Bank, harbored by Jewish fanatics?

West Bank is a euphemism for Occupied Palestine. Every time the label is used Palestine and its Occupation is denied. That dastardly, diabolically clever European Union! This is further proof as if it were needed! They were the objects of hate. And, the IDF soldiers take this one step further: You must be logged in to post a comment. Let me surprise you. Log in to Reply.

JosephA August 5, , 8: He will get his comeuppance: Bumblebye August 5, , James Canning August 5, , 1: JLewisDickerson August 6, , 7: YoniFalic August 6, , JLewisDickerson August 14, , 7: Mooser August 15, , Leave a Reply Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment.