Freedom Wholesalers The Liquid Stuff Reviews

4 stars based on 56 reviews

Was really skeptical about trying it, i used as directed and now i have my new job! Worked for me This Product worked for me, i failed an at home piss test and was advised to try this product, i went out and bought it, took it exactly as directed and it worked.

If you idiots that say it didnt work would follow directions you would pass! I hadn't smoked for 9 days prior and drank some water the day before, and i passed. Thanks to the "the Stuff" i have a better job closer to home. Worked once for me Ive tried this product once about 2 yrs ago so I cant remember exactly how I did It or even how much I was smoking at the where to buy the liquid stuff. But now I had to take a pre employment test for a reaaaally good job that I really want.

I wont get results till tomorrow I think but Im so nervous. Worked for me twice This is the second time I've used this product and the second time it has worked for me. I'm 6'3" lbs, quit smoking 8 days before. Another option would have been to have a clean person piss in anything and take it in. The place I went to in downtown Denver WizQuiz just handed me the cup and said the bathroom was down the hall.

No supervision or even temp check. But it was just a pre-employment screening. Start new job on Monday. But the test I was used on was a dipstick.

So I ate, drank where to buy the liquid stuff was merry on the day of my test and 2 hours b4 I drank the stuff and low and behold it worked without a hitch. Wasted Money Followed instructions to the letter Better to just stop before test!!!!!!!!!!! It did NOT work, followed directions to the letter, did not eat for 5 hours and drank plenty of water beforehand and did not use for 15 days before test. If you smoke more than once a day better give yourself at least 30 days before taking the test, YOU KNOW WHAT, is not water soluble and binds to the fat where to buy the liquid stuff in your body making it harder to get rid of quickly no matter how much water you drink.

It's up to you but take my advice and STOP now if you want to pass. Stop smoking u jackasses. I have known of other people that have used it with the same results. As I was told by all you have to follow the directions exactly as they say or it will not work. I would use it again over and over without any hesitation. I have tried other products and they do not work but this one is the best and I know that I can count on it.

DID not smoke for 3 weeks and took the drink Don't waste your money on this scam READ directions if u dont follow directions to a T, u might fail I had just smoked but didn't have to take the test for two weeks.

So for the next two weeks I drank nothing but water and on the day of my test I drank the liquid stuff. Mind you I followed the directions to the T. Took my test and thought I was in the clear. A couple days later I got my test back which came up inconclusive. I was told that it was possibly diluted. I just smoked again and had to take another test with in a week. This time I drank nothing but water!!!!!! My test came back negative, less than a week after I had smoked. My suggestion is not to rely on it.

Drink alot of water and take at home drug test that you can purchase at most pharmacy before hand. I weight about pounds, and 5'7. Is it true that I have to fast for hours? Does this mean not to eat or drink anything before I take this product. I want to buy this so that I can pass my piss test but I'm skeptical because of the negative reviews. I've haven't smoked pot for 37 days and for the past week I've only been drinking cranberry juice and where to buy the liquid stuff water with apple cider vinegar.

Help me out here, I have to take this test on March 23, I am also a cigarette smoker, does this hurt my chances where to buy the liquid stuff passing my test even if I use your product.

Dont eat and drink lots of water before the test. Night before and day of I drank a crap load of water. Best bet is to take liquid stuff three hours before test and refil bottle three times with where to buy the liquid stuff and drink up.

This isn't no ordinary test either, it is very exact. It has to do with Military. I took the "Stuff" and followed the instructions exactly and consumed a ton of water and it worked.

DON'T buy this crap!! Pothead I had to pass a federal test. Followed the directions exactly and passed. Next time for a regular job Now, I'm drinking it for the third time and am sure I'll get a passing mark. Drink lots of water before and after ingesting the drink. If you're heavy, drink 16oz and don't eat fried foods or where to buy the liquid stuff amounts where to buy the liquid stuff oils. Apple cider vinegar also helps. I spent a preposterous amount of money buying drug tests from drug stores so i could take them and see exactly what liquid stuff could do - and the what I found is it did NOTHING!

So, I just had to do what I had to do - and really cut down on drugs - but now, my case will be dismissed, and I will soon begin breaking every law known to man!!!!!! Way to go, me!!!!! Two times, Two passes! I had two job interviews and two tests in one week. I was two days clean with one and four with the other. Took the liquid stuff right when I got up without eating both days about two hours before the tests. Maybe the third time is a charm?

I've used this "Stuff" twice now and where to buy the liquid stuff both times. I thought the first was my fault for only peeing twice before the test so I gave it another shot, the second time I was clean for nearly a week, followed the bottles directions strictly and still came up positive for 2 substances, I'm pretty sure all this did was gather all toxins left and submitted it for the test.

I would have been better off with water. Now I see directions over the net that you are not supposed to eat well before taking the stuff - wish that info was on the bottle. Jackpot I knew I had to take a urine test in order to get a very nice job so I went and bought the liquid stuff. I smoked out of a "water pipe" heavily 3 days before the urine test.

The day of the test I woke up and drank the liquid stuff 2 hours before the scheduled urine test would begin. Failed Did bad things Friday night that should last in your system 2 to 4 days. Was done by about 8 o clock on friday.

Drank liquid stuff monday night at 9: Took test I purchased from a drug store at The only part of the directions i didnt follow was fasting for hours. But I had not ate or drank anything for about 2 hours.

I did this test 75 freakin hours after ingestion. It should have almost naturally been out of my system, but I was still positive with this drink. If anyone has a test coming up with serious consequences Parole, probation, job you are insane if you rely on this. Kept my probation record perfect Hell yeah. I mostly stuck to the 48 hour rule, used this stuff, and everything was kosher. Probably shoulda drunk 2. I had to take a drug test within a week where to buy the liquid stuff smoking and this stuff did the job.

I drank a lot of liquids and then took this about two hours before the test and it worked! I have to say I was skeptical of how much a purple grape drink could do, but believe me it works!!! WilberFl The Stuff saved my ass- did some bad stuff on saturday night into Sunday morning, had a drug test on Mon. Followed the instructions exactly and passed with flying colors.

Remember it had only been about 24hrs since I did what I did, and they say to stay clean for 48 hrs, but it still worked! I was really scared when the company I work for told me that I would where to buy the liquid stuff selected for a drug test. I bought the "Stuff" took my test, and I passed the test with no issues. Thank you Liquid Stuff for saving my job and my family. I think that if i would have drank a bunch of water that where to buy the liquid stuff would've worked better than this crap.

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