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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Rakesh Kumar has got his postdoctoral training between Sept. He obtained his Ph. He has received his M. Dr Kumar focuses his research on soy protein isolate, polylactic acid and polyfurfuryl alchol based biopolymers and biocomposites. All these three biopolymers are obtained from renewable resources.
Kumar has published more than 33 original research papers in the peer-reviewed journals. He has delivered several talks at National and International conferences and also published around 10 papers in National Journals. He was awarded Chinese Patent from his postdoctoral work. He is expert reviewer of projects from National Science Centre, Poland.
Vinova Nagar, Chandauti, PS: Magadh Medical College, Ward No. College, Patna — Bihar Phone: Gaya Panchanpur Road Karhara Post.
Centre for Psychological Sciences. Centre for Mass Communication and Media. Department of Chemistry Department of Physics. Centre for Vocational Studies B. Notice Admission Notification Prospectus Connect with us We're on Social Networks. Home Faculty Profile Biotechnology Dr.