How to Cash Out Bitcoin?

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I was in a rush and there wasn't many bitcoin buyers online, so I used one I wasn't familiar with and that didn't have much feedback. I decided to sell to this user, and everything was fine. The payment arrived in my paypal, and then I withdrew it and released the bitcoins to the buyer from escrow.

However, a couple days later, I have learned that paypal has reversed the payment because it was made using fraudulent methods apparently, and so now my balance is heavy in local bitcoin sell paypal negative and I won't be able to make another withdrawal until I have enough to cover the negative balance. Personally, I consider this paypal's fault. They accepted the payment, so in my opinion, they have no right to now local bitcoin sell paypal it and leave me as the scammed party.

Nevertheless, I cannot get my money back, and it has really fucked me over given the time of year. They do this thing all the time. When they hooked up with eBay they always sided with the buyer local bitcoin sell paypal not the seller. I choose not to use PayPal for anything. I haven't actually looked into this.

But, part of me wonders whether it is just the modern iteration of a protection racket. What if it wasn't really fraud? Maybe they just fucked me over so that I will local bitcoin sell paypal them protection money, as in, seller protection- which no doubt costs an additional fee.

I would't be surprised considering the shit that major corporations are getting away with recently. The funniest thing is I have paid them so much in fees over the past year as it is, so I really don't understand what I am paying them for if this can happen. It isn't a fee. Congratulations son-of-satirethis post is the second most rewarded post based on pending payouts in the last 12 hours written by a User account holder accounts that hold between 0. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

Would be good to see local alt-coins running in smart contracts. I consider cash in mail perhaps more decentralized. Especially now that smart media tokens will bring in an entirely new base of buyers and sellers from the paired coins' communities. It was worth exactly the same as if it local bitcoin sell paypal been a billion, so really it doesn't matter. It's just such local bitcoin sell paypal cuntish thing to do, especially at this time of year, and I was already struggling a local bitcoin sell paypal bit.

I felt local bitcoin sell paypal worth warning others because I keep getting replies on my old post about how to cash out through localbitcoins. I don't want my own tutorial to lead to someone getting fucked over during the holidays, so this felt very necessary. Sorry I couldn't find the time to enter your contest. I actually drew up a local bitcoin sell paypal of rough sketches, but never got around to refining them.

I will enter the next local bitcoin sell paypal. Hay I even don't imagine such kind of situation. Of they have to reverse local bitcoin sell paypal. Then why they accept the payment. And its really a scam. Thats the most gutless thing I have heard. The things people will do to good people is disgusting. Hope those bastards get the karma they deserved.

Sorry for the loss especially this time of year doesn't make it any easier. There are far worse things one can lose than money. It's disgusting, at any time of year but especially this one when people ought to know that people are skint as it is from purchasing presents. Yeah either way local bitcoin sell paypal shouldn't ever happen. But bad people will keep doing bad things. Just like they said that about the internet at first and then bitcoin only for drug trafficking and porn either way it would still happen.

Bad people aren't going to stop doing what they're doing. We must be careful about the transection over these apps, we don't know that would happeing here. Because it's the world of internet and hackers. Brother I am feeling sad for you. Do not worry about me. It is three days from Christmas and I have a huge family here with me. Worry for someone less fortunate. There are only a few billion of them.

Meski begitu, saya tidak bisa mendapatkan uang saya kembali, dan itu benar-benar membuat saya kehilangan waktu sepanjang tahun. Sorry that happened to you. I'm learning so much about this cryptocurrencies and bitcoins. Thank local bitcoin sell paypal for the warning. Hopefully you can recover some of your losses. I really want to advise anyone selling their bitcoins through localbitcoins.

Even if there are none fitting that description buying bitcoins at the time, just be patient. Come back in a few hours and find someone better to sell to. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. If you do not wish to receive these messages in future, please reply stop to this comment. If not a local altcoins then certain a localsteem. I actually might have a solution for you. I can't see what it could be.

Could you tell me on discord? I will be on there shortly. Hope it was not that much money you've lost! Yes, that's what I thought. It seems to me that the real scam artist here is PayPal. Really though, thanks for the sentiment. Who you calling fikir? I would, but you're not very likeable. You should not use Paypal. Well, there isn't local bitcoin sell paypal of an option in this world of middle-men. Now bitcoin is valuable digital currency so everyone alert from scam.

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Thanks for your response. When you said "come back for more," were you inferring you encountered these scammers via your advertisements?

I have read that advertising exposes a trader to extra scamming risks, and new traders especially should avoid advertising paypal trade. I've met friendly traders on Lbtc but none seem to really fit your description. Does anyone know of a scam involving a well established trader opening a second Lbtc account and referring you to that account to build reputation, in exchange for a better rate? Just seen a few things like that, and wondering if there are opinions here regarding how it may relate to certain scams.

Numnutz It doesn't matter what you ship to who if they say either they weren't the ones who did the transaction IE Hacked account or 2 buy the account on the darknet. But the problem is it's a bitcoin sale so all PP has to do is point you to that part of their TOS and say haha fuck you we're not eating shit.

I have had 17 paypal accounts that I actually used and probably a few dozen more that were flow throughs I've tried everything with these bastards lol. And Again I'm not assuming either. The reason I've had 17 is because they keep getting shut down because I try to find a work around for Bitcoins.

I eventually gave up after PPMC started it's reign here because it put so much more heat on PP trades there wasn't enough profit left in it. Sometime in the process your account will be closed. Paypal has opened up more to bitcoins over the past year or so, as long as you abide by standard "Know Your Customer" regulations and policies, you're usually okay in their eyes. However, chargebacks are always still a high risk. For this reason, if you're going to offer paypal as an option, only do paypal transaction in very small amounts.

Sometimes in a dispute they will side with the seller, but more often than not, they will side with the buyer. My suggestion is if you're going to use paypal again, is restrict it to very small amounts that way if you lose it, it isn't too big of a deal and never do a transaction outside of LBC or another reputable exchange service with escrow.

Take screenshots of every step of the process before payment, after payment, escrow release etc so if the buyer tries to defraud you, you have some pretty good evidence that you actually did release the coins, that they paid for.

Still not a guarantee, but it will definitely help your case quite a bit. Again, accepting paypal or any other sort of reversible payment method to exchange cryptocurrency is always high risk of scammers claiming they never got the coins they paid for, when they clearly did receive them. Open full view… Is selling BTC for paypal cash a crazy risk for chargeback.