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The best answers are submitted by users of Yahoo! Answers, ChaCha and Blurtit. I have a considerable amount that I have saved over the years and would like to know where I can sell it. Mercury is highly toxic, not only to you as an individual, but also to the environment. If you are talking Where can i sell or dispose of liquid mercury? I have about two ounces of liquid mercury in sealed glass that I've had since my husband died and would like to be able to sell it if possible, otherwise where would one dispose of such a thing?
It is against the law in Oregon to sell or offer for sale a novelty item that contains encapsulated Where can I sell liquid mercury in Portland, OR? There are not any places in Oregon that you can sell mercury. There may be some places that will take Mercury easily becomes airborne and when entered into the body will slowly kill you.
It takes days for Where can I find out how much to sell my Mercury with a jet pump for? Sat for 1 season standing up under cover. Used on a guide boat in S. You can sell liquid mercury at a variety of places, including: I have a Mercury Park Lane. How Do I Sell It??? No ones been calling me or anything. I've posted ads for it throughout my town, and on a few websites. Where do you sell Liquid Mercury? Where can i find liquid calcium chloride? Where can I buy liquid detergent in India? Where can I get liquid latex in NJ?
What is the volume of a vial when filled with liquid mercury? Other solutions Where can i sell or dispose of liquid mercury? I'm interested to buy your liquid mercury. Where I can contact you?
Mabye online, to a scientific resource selling website. You have a better market online anyway.