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A mining pool is an association of miners, whose equipment obtains cryptocurrencies. Each pool has a server distributing calculation tasks individually for every participant. As soon as the block is formed, the server distributes the reward among miners according to the individually established rules. Servers automatically send the reward in cryptocurrencies to their miners.
However, every server does it in a different way. Here are the most popular kinds of reward calculation:. This pool was previously known as Bitcoin. It was created by Marek Palatinus nickname: Slush , CEO at Trezor. Founded in , it is the oldest and one of the first mining pools making their names. Its participants mine the most popular cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and Zcash a bit. The pool reward is based on the Score method: Thus, the pool fights against miners who shift from one pool to another during the round.
The pool is controlled by China-based Bitmain Technologies produces mining equipment. Miners can obtain several cryptocurrencies in this pool: According to the BTC. In , this mining pool will keep allowing its users to choose a type of reward: All miners can select the most appropriate type.
Besides, the reward is paid once per day. One can adjust a minimum sum of payoffs on the wallet. Initially, it is 0. One more Chinese pool founded in Today, its share of global bitcoin mining is 8. The reward is sent to miners once per day using the PPS method.
However, the pool charges a higher fee than the majority of pools: The minimum amount of payoffs is 0. The service immediately warns its users: The pool was launched in June and became one the largest bitcoin mining pools in the world.
Its share is 8. The fee is too high: Miners can do it on their own manually. All the above-mentioned mining pools have their own special features. Therefore, prior to joining one of them, one should weigh up the pros and cons: Main News Best mining pool in BlockchainWorldEvents 02 March What is mining pool? How do mining pools distribute the reward? Here are the most popular kinds of reward calculation: If miners do not work with the pool, their reward will significantly decrease.
Top 4 mining pools in SlushPool This pool was previously known as Bitcoin. F2Pool One more Chinese pool founded in ViaBTC The pool was launched in June and became one the largest bitcoin mining pools in the world.
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