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I can actually run the node app, I see it grab the first few blocks, and I can get to the UI. The Sawtooth node sdk: It looks like explorer gerrit is intended to be mirrored to github. Hi I get this error while launching this: Since history is lost alreadypbft blockchain explorer this explorer get mirrored out to GitHub? Never saw the response the previous inquiry. And mirrored to https: Cannot find module 'express' at Function.

I have a few deadlines related to our bluemix service by the end of this week. I'm not sure if that holds you up or not, we have more reviewers right?

Hi I have got the explorer running, but all the fields are like: The command line is showing accurate data though. Hi guys just a small query. Is it possible to query based on timestamp or block number and retrieve the old block key value? I had read in a documentation that it is a work in progress. Say I have saved "Good morning" in the key "Hello" later I had used invoke method to change the value of "Hello" to "Good night".

If I query with "Hello" it will return as "Good night" which is the latest value. I am interested on knowing how to retrieve "Good morning" if I pass "Hello". Hope I did not confuse you. My understanding is that is something you need to implement in your smart contract. You need to pbft blockchain explorer saving the history. I use docker for my testing. When I deleted all old docker containers with fabric and chaincode and start a brand new fabric, blockchain explorer still show the old info in "Visualization" zone.

Do we have documents for how to configure it? Cannot read property pbft blockchain explorer of undefined at Timeout. Hi, Please let me know if this forum provides solutions regarding "hyperledger v0. This is a function of two parameters that specify the maximum number of transactions per block, or a timeout, at which time the block will be written regardless of how many transactions are in it. It was designed for version 0. We are in the process of redesigning the explorer for 1. Commit level I tested is ff84 with pbft blockchain explorer on Windows.

It will work on docker too. Are you trying with docker images for 1. Make sure the REST port is pbft blockchain explorer for the explorer to access. Can you give me the git link which you pbft blockchain explorer above? Pbft blockchain explorer I want to experience the blockchain-explorer with hyperledger version 0. You might have to pay special attention to REST port setup.

Hi, In car lease demo, is the validation of transaction being contribute by all,i. Added metadata implementation to support different ledgers.

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