Hawking radiation eli5 bitcoin

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Professor Stephen Hawking thinks he has solved the year-old information paradox — a conundrum of what happens to matter in black holes. Matter that gets sucked into a black hole was thought to be destroyed by the immense forces involved, as per the theory of general relativity.

However, that's a problem from a quantum mechanics point of view, because matter's information about its physical state is supposed to be permanent — so throwing it all away when it enters a black hole would create a paradox.

Forty years ago, Professor Hawking wrote a highly controversial paper suggesting that black holes emit radiation. Initially, he thought hawking radiation eli5 bitcoin this Hawking radiationas it is now known, couldn't account for the information paradox, although he amended his theory to state that some information may escape.

Now Prof Hawking proposes that the information about matter hawking radiation eli5 bitcoin into a black hole hawking radiation eli5 bitcoin preserved albeit in a 2D format. In a lecture on Tuesday at the Swedish KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Prof Hawking explained that in April he'd been inspired by a talk given by Harvard's Professor Andrew Strominger, and now thinks that the sucked-in matter's information is stored in the black hole — in a "super translation.

While the information is stored, the translation into hologramatic mode renders it into a "chaotic, useless form," the professor added. Prof Hawking theorizes that as a black hole runs out of matter to consume, its radiation output will cause it to shrink and evaporate. The information stored in the event horizon would be transmitted back to hawking radiation eli5 bitcoin universe via Hawking radiation, and possibly down the hole and into other universes.

But you couldn't come back to our universe. So although I'm keen on space flight, I'm not going to try that. The idea about information being stored in the event horizon is not new — Professor Gerard 't Hooft and hawking radiation eli5 bitcoin proposed this two decades ago, but Prof Hawking's view carries a lot of weight in the scientific community. More details on the proposal will be shared later in the week.

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