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I happened to own a business selling pc hardware in Australia. I got 25 gigabyte hmb with cheap Celeron cpus and 2gb ddr4s with 30gb sd cards running windows home trial. What host is this showing up on? Your miners or your stratum server the machine with litecoin installed? Also, first confirm your workers can properly connect and work as part of cgminer solo setup litecoin pool pool.

Test the connection to litecoinpool. This will rule out issues with the miners. Generated coins must mature 25 blocks before they can be spent. When you generated this block, it was broadcast to the network to be added to the cgminer solo setup litecoin pool chain. This may occasionally happen if another node generates a block within a few seconds of yours. I saw the alternative software that they were saying to use was Guiminer, tho it was supposedly not recommended at the time.

SO it would be great if someone with a lot of knowlage of the mining process for litecoin or like some pool operators would help us out.

I think we just need another piece of software besides CGminer. Help with litecoin solo mining, biginners guide? I can do bitcoin mining in slushpool on all the pcs. Set it up with CGMiner against Bitcoind without an issue. Cgminer solo setup litecoin pool little ASIC is chugging away.

I keep getting error messages like yours when trying to do the same with Litecoin. I can get a local P2Pool instance working against it just fine. This seems to be your problem: I suggest trying another port.

I think we just need another piece of software besides CGminer https:

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