Molecular characterization of three gonad cell lines
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A directed mutagenesis screen in Drosophila melanogaster reveals new mutants that influence hedgehog signaling. Disruption bitgood and mcmahon 1995 ford Sonic hedgehog signaling alters growth and patterning of lingual taste papillae.
Crystal structure of a Hedgehog bitgood and mcmahon 1995 ford domain: Bitgood and mcmahon 1995 ford Drosophila cohesin subunit Rad21 is a trithorax group trxG protein. Protein kinase A is a common negative regulator of Hedgehog signaling in the vertebrate embryo. Hedgehog signalling is required for correct anteroposterior patterning of the zebrafish otic vesicle. Repression of Hedgehog signalling is required for the acquisition of dorsolateral cell fates in the zebrafish otic vesicle.
Fgf and Hh signalling act on a symmetrical pre-pattern to specify anterior and posterior identity in the zebrafish otic placode and vesicle. Drosophila glypicans control the cell-to-cell movement of Hedgehog by a dynamin-independent process. Molecular analysis of coordinated bladder and urogenital organ formation by Hedgehog signaling. The Shh signalling pathway in tooth development: Evidence for an expansion-based temporal Shh gradient in specifying vertebrate digit identities.
Bitgood and mcmahon 1995 ford Boi limits Hedgehog levels to suppress follicle stem cell proliferation. J Cell Biol Distinct signals generate repeating Striped pattern in the embryonic parasegment. The kinesin-4 protein Kif7 regulates mammalian Hedgehog signalling by organizing the cilium tip compartment.
Nat Cell Biol Growth and differentiation in bitgood and mcmahon 1995 ford Drosophila eye coordinated by hedgehog. Notochord repression of endodermal Sonic hedgehog permits pancreas development. Regulation of pancreas development by hedgehog signaling. Sonic hedgehog participates in craniofacial morphogenesis and is down-regulated by teratogenic doses of retinoic acid.
Adenohypophysis formation in the zebrafish and its dependence on Sonic hedgehog. Ihh controls cartilage development by antagonizing Gli3, but requires additional effectors to regulate osteoblast and vascular development. Hedgehog signaling is required for commitment but not initial induction of slow muscle precursors.
Hematopoietic, angiogenic and eye defects in Meis1 bitgood and mcmahon 1995 ford animals. Zfp regulates Sonic Hedgehog signaling via primary cilium function. C2cd3 is required for cilia formation and Hedgehog signaling in mouse. A positive role for Patched in Hedgehog signaling revealed by the intracellular trafficking of Sex-lethal, the Drosophila sex determination master switch. Splitting the Hedgehog signal: Cohesin-dependent regulation of Runx genes. J Comp Neurol Coupling of Hedgehog and Hippo pathways promotes stem cell maintenance by stimulating proliferation.
J Cell Biol 3: Dampened Hedgehog signaling but normal Wnt signaling in zebrafish without cilia. Sonic hedgehog signaling regulates a novel epithelial progenitor domain of the hindbrain choroid plexus.
Signals transmitted along retinal axons in Drosophila: Hedgehog signal reception and the cell circuitry of lamina cartridge assembly. Temporal control of glial cell migration in the Drosophila eye requires gilgameshhedgehogand eye specification genes. Sustained Hedgehog signaling is required for basal cell carcinoma proliferation and survival: Human oligodendrocytes from embryonic stem cells: Control of gut development by fork head and cell signaling molecules in Drosophila.
Functional subdivision of trunk visceral mesoderm parasegments in Drosophila is required for gut and trachea development.
The role of Sonic hedgehog in normal and abnormal craniofacial morphogenesis. A SHH-responsive signaling center in the forebrain regulates craniofacial morphogenesis via the facial ectoderm.
Sequential roles of Hedgehog and Wnt signaling in osteoblast development. Region-specific requirement for cholesterol modification of sonic hedgehog in patterning bitgood and mcmahon 1995 ford telencephalon and spinal cord.
Hedgehog, transmitted along retinal axons, triggers neurogenesis in the developing visual centers of the Drosophila brain. Hedgehog signalling in the mouse requires intraflagellar transport proteins. Commissure formation in the embryonic CNS of Drosophila. Identification of required gene functions. Temporal control of glial cell migration in the Drosophila eye requires gilgamesh, hedgehogand eye specification genes.
Control of cell pattern in the neural tube by the zinc finger transcription factor and oncogene Gli Tachykinin acts upstream of autocrine Hedgehog signaling during nociceptive sensitization in Drosophila. Sonic hedgehog induces the segregation of Patched and Smoothened in endosomes.
Requirements of high levels of Hedgehog signaling activity bitgood and mcmahon 1995 ford medial-region cell fate determination in Drosophila legs: Role of the Drosophila patched gene in positional signalling. Localized hedgehog activity controls spatial limits of wingless transcription in the Drosophila embryo.
Quantitative effects of hedgehog and decapentaplegic activity on the patterning of the Drosophila wing. A sonic hedgehog-dependent signaling relay regulates growth of diencephalic and mesencephalic primordia in the early mouse embryo.
Persistence of Hunchback in the terminal region of the Drosophila blastoderm embryo impairs anterior development. A dual role for Sonic hedgehog in regulating adhesion and differentiation of neuroepithelial cells. Expression bitgood and mcmahon 1995 ford Sonic hedgehog and its putative role as a precursor cell mitogen in the developing mouse retina.
Hedgehog signaling in the neural crest cells regulates the patterning and growth of facial primordia. Growth and pattern of the mammalian neural tube are governed by partially overlapping feedback activities of the hedgehog antagonists patched 1 and Hhip1.
Distinct regulators of Shh transcription in the floor plate and notochord bitgood and mcmahon 1995 ford separate origins for these tissues in the mouse node. Sense organ identity in the Drosophila antenna is specified by the expression of the proneural gene atonal.
Characterization of Drosophila mini-mea gene required for cell proliferation and survival. Homeotic proboscipedia function modulates hedgehog -mediated organizer activity to pattern adult Drosophila mouthparts. Local inhibitory action of BMPs and their relationships with activators in feather formation: Shh, bmp-2, bmp-4 and fgf-8 are associated with initiation and patterning of mouse tongue papillae.
The Drosophila lymph gland as a developmental model of hematopoiesis. Down-regulation of endodermal Shh is bitgood and mcmahon 1995 ford for gland formation in chicken stomach. Eyeless collaborates with Hedgehog and Decapentaplegic signaling in Drosophila eye induction.
Bitgood and mcmahon 1995 ford Hedgehog coordinates endochondral bone growth and morphogenesis via Parathyroid Hormone related-Protein-dependent and -independent pathways. GATA proteins identify a novel ventral interneuron subclass in the developing chick spinal cord. Hedgehog and Decapentaplegic instruct polarized growth of cell extensions in the Drosophila trachea. Combined activities of hedgehog signaling inhibitors regulate pancreas development.
Mouse dispatched mutants fail to distribute hedgehog proteins and are defective in hedgehog signaling. Hedgehog and PI-3 kinase signaling converge on Nmyc1 to promote cell cycle progression in cerebellar neuronal precursors. Dosage-dependent modifiers of Polycomb and antennapedia mutations in Drosophila.
Bitgood and mcmahon 1995 ford attenuates Hedgehog responses through degradation of Cubitus interruptus. Recruitment of a hedgehog regulatory circuit in butterfly eyespot evolution. Structure of the protein core of the glypican Dally-like and localization of a region important for hedgehog signaling.
Yb modulates the divisions of both germline and somatic stem cells through piwi - and hh -mediated mechanisms in the Drosophila ovary. Bitgood and mcmahon 1995 ford patterns of Brx1 Rieg geneSonic hedgehog, Nkx2. Hoxd differentially affects preaxial and postaxial chondrogenic branches in the limb and regulates Sonic hedgehog in a positive feedback loop. A restrictive role for Hedgehog signalling during otic specification in Xenopus.
Regionalization within the mammalian telencephalon is mediated by changes in responsiveness to Sonic Hedgehog. N-terminal fatty-acylation of sonic hedgehog enhances the induction of rodent ventral forebrain neurons.
Induction of a mirror-image duplication of anterior wing structures by localized hedgehog expression in the anterior compartment of Drosophila melanogaster wing imaginal discs. Anteroposterior patterning in adult abdominal segments of Drosophila. The roles of hedgehog and engrailed in patterning adult abdominal segments of Drosophila. Control of cell fate and polarity in the adult abdominal segments of Drosophila by optomotor-blind.
Mediolateral patterning of somites: Gli3 acts as a repressor downstream of Ihh in regulating two distinct steps of chondrocyte differentiation. Twist1 activity thresholds define multiple functions in limb development.
Replicated anterior zeugopod raz: Sonic hedgehog is a survival factor for hypaxial muscles during mouse development. Control of blood cell homeostasis in Drosophila larvae by the posterior signalling centre.