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Well, so I finally managed to find this Korean animated movie: However, this movie makes up for the bland premise through its execution, and not just because of its nice graphics. A lot of the movie is spent on diverse characters, just having fun, and the movie-budget animation did wonders in making them come alive. Also the premise is also about the only thing generic about this movie.
There are problems with the animation at times though: Did i miss something that happened between them? She tries to get his soul back to earth, but she sacrifices her own life to let his go free, right?
And then at the end she is reincarnated and…. Do they meet again in the end?!! This is what I understand, and I cried like hell!!!!!! And why was she mad at him in the end?!?! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is gonna torture me for the rest of my life unless I know what I just watched!!!!!!! I wanna know… the circle thing with feathers that the boy had and she stoled it in the beginning … what is it called? Mail will not be published required. This week we have a story of disabled boxers, war and mutual mistakes, and I loved every second of it.
So lets get this out of the way right now, I was not expecting anything that happened this episode. Welcome to week four of Steins;Gate 0, now with more time travel! This week we have dystopian futures, new characters and the first hints of darker tidings. I find it great that neither Reinhards nor Yangs society is perfect so there is no real villain in regards to the two sides.
No side is effectively more […]. Given the brisk pace Golden Kamuy usually sprint through its storyline, breather moments like those in the first half of this episode is much needed. We got nearly a full episode of mecha combat so time for those CGI animators to show us what they can do. Overall, this was a good episode in every respect but one. The music, story and pacing all do […]. HisoMaso continues its bright, playful creativeness with another stellar episode, albeit a bit light in terms of plot.
Certainly a better episode than the last but I think I have come to an understanding about this show. For example, that running joke about Narumi not being able to remember the colour of her panties when she was […]. Cute girls doing cute things is a genre that been done to death at this point. Even within this Winter we had been overloaded with big eyes fluffy face girls doing a lot of different things of interest. It takes a standout concept or a deeper narrative to make one stand out from this […].
I suppose that most of us, even the perministic ones, enter After the Rain Ameagari with some reservations. After all, the premise about a crush from an year-old girl to the store manager who is nearly 30 years senior raises a lot of red flags here.
Yet the show handles this tricky premise with deep […]. There are lots of bad anime out there, for one reason or another. Whether it be stilted animation, terrible writing or bad direction, a good portion of each season is simply not worth it. Kokkoku is not a bad anime. It is something much worse. Kokkoku is a mediocre anime. Bad ones get talked about, […].
In the realm of manga there is a man whose name is inescapable when the genre of horror is brought up. Up till now his work has yet to have an […]. I admit that I underestimated Yuru Camp back in its first few episodes. I took it as a standard, run-on-the-mill slice of life show and I fully expected to give it 3 episodes at max before throwing it into the deep sea of forgotten anime. But as time pass, I can certainly see many good […]. Taking place in the metropolis of Neo Yokio, a mashup between […].
After debuting with the original and excellently-produced Neo Yokio, the juggernaut streaming service of Netflix has decided to revive the classic series of Devilman and gives it the full adaption treatment. Fantasy is a rather prolific genre in anime, with a vast majority of Isekai and Shounen fitting snugly into it. Most take place in their own unique setting, either Amestris of Full Metal Alchemist or the made of world of the latest Isekai trash.
Few however try to set themselves in our world. Star Crossed Anime Blog. October 15, at October 16, at 6: October 18, at 9: December 15, at 9: May 6, at Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply.
Kaiser-Eoghan Nanika mochigate by Kitoh felt very Kitoh-lite , but given how well he can mess with his audience I'll give Futago a try. Kaiser-Eoghan What I'm getting at there, is that I welcome and think its a good thing that there ARE Japanese creators that don't buy into the fascist mantra. Kaiser-Eoghan Actually come to think of it, while it oesn't involve comfort women, Onward toward noble deaths was a Japanese world war 2 manga from the 70s.
Kaiser-Eoghan Then you have ones such as Battle of Okinawa, which I heard was a jingoistic nationalist film. Kaiser-Eoghan Actually that reminds me Fires on the plain, Emperors naked army marches on, the battle royale director did a film called under the flag of the rising sun, all Japanese films critical of Japan.
Kaiser-Eoghan Story of a prostitute, a Japanese dealt somewhat with comfort women, City of life and death, a Chinese film dealt with it. Thick walled room deals with how high level war criminals got off. Human condition showed the camps the Japanese used. Anonymous I can't even think of any other mangas that so much as touched on the subject of "comfort women" during ww2. Anonymous Speaking of political stuff in anime and manga, recently I was reading Futago no Teikoku by Kitoh Mohiro author of Bokurano , it is pretty much a alternate universe version of the Second Sino-Japanese war with a few fantasy elements.
It managed to surprise me as the very first chapter pretty much starts with a scene of a girl being forced into prositution by the japanese army by a different name. Kaiser-Eoghan Read a strange manga earlier, possibly 80s , set in the deep south in s America, demons taking advantage of race relations in the US, some of them pretending to be KKK, protaganist is a muscly black American boxer. KTravlos a good example of good political process recently was the 2nd season of Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans.
The politics was not too bad, even if the goals were familiar tropes. Kudos for the show to do something many shonen shows avoid in the end, which was very realistic politically. I cannot say more because it would be spoiling. Yes the revisionism and wish granting is strong in it, but still Kawaguchi does a good job making the actual process politically interesting more in the manga than anime.
Lenlo Rage of Bahamut are good medieval fantasies. Anonymous Medieval Fantasy, any? Kaiser-Eoghan Probably a conspiracy of some order. Lenlo You people with your K names. Actually that was travlos that said that. I enjoyed them a lot. Lenlo There are a few that try to do interesting things, but they are few and far between. AidanAK47 The problem is that it's mainly experimentation.
It's mainly Indies working with it and AAA companies just dipping toes in the waters. I would say VR doesn't really have a proper game yet. With most just being 2 to 3 hour experiences. There are few ports and plenty of original games experimenting with it. Anonymous Actually that seems to be the norm with japanese media that portray historical events, or the military.
Anonymous Interesting that you mention Zipang, as one of its biggest criticisms is its blatant revisionism. KTravlos not sure of their names. KTravlos 2 willing to do this are few. Tanaka from a centrist pov, Kawaguchi from a more right wing, Miyazaki and Urasawa from more left wing. I am sure some of the female directors and writers are also doing it, but I am not sure.
KTravlos 2 It is also true that most anime and magna writers are nerds, and many of them military nerds, and they use anime manga to show their militarism. That said I can forgive the militarism per se, though it can get grating, if they also present some realistic vieew of how politics work for example Tanya gavea try at this.
A good example of this is Zipang. But again the authors and directors.. You need the human element. Thus politics takes a second place in most anime, and has to be simplified into a plot device. Tanaka and LOGH went in indeed wishing to make a realistic defense of democracy ihmo. KTravlos 1 On proper fantasy shows.