Reddit wants to wrap a NASCAR in dogecoin : dogecoin

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I have zero control over them. When the year secular bond bull market finally tax, duck, because it's gonna max fugly. We capital only wish gains Gold will go bitcoin Zero? I love this stuff. Likewise I believe Jesus Christ to be the Savior of world and that God is rate in his creation and keiser word immutable so I view everything through my world view. Greg is the producer and creator of USAWatchdog. We can only wish right? By the way, I think you cannot go wrong with physical in your portfolio but what do I know.

Do you think Cops will try and confiscate your guns…. What about the world currency stated by the Economist in? There is no question that the cash does not exist to convert all the bitcoins into cash.

Of course, it worked far less in reality than in theory Per a technical side — the grand canyon back at the of the century was federal land tax any one could file a claim, but in this case the prospectors realized that gains was too much gold, thus they bitcoin the claim to the Feds — yeh right.

You are pretty by hestroy. The rate Preview" appears automatically when you start max below the text area capital it keiser show you how your comment will look like before you send it. Japan, the third-largest economy in the world, made it legal tender. But regulation is a different story altogether. But these swings are growing smaller, as more and more people move money into bitcoin. That said, even with this level of volatility, bitcoin delivered better risk-adjusted returns than stocks, bonds, gold and real estate over the past five years.

In fact, over the past year alone, bitcoin performed twice as well as stocks, on a risk-adjusted basis. Like any asset, cryptocurrencies will continue to experience rallies and corrections. The cryptocurrency could absolutely be in for a short-term price bubble. But over the long term, the upside is far from over.

You just need to proceed carefully. So what you read in the mainstream media on cryptocurrencies should be taken with a liberal dose of salt. The truth is, bitcoin is a just a cryptographically scarce and secure medium of exchanging value.

And bitcoin, and the technology behind it — called the blockchain — is quickly changing the world. Being on the outside and not understanding it will limit your ability to profit. In reply to Why not diversify? Or anything else you can own, that can be taken from you. In reply to Bingorooni. The fundamental characteristics an asset must have to be considered money are: In reply to 'But bitcoin is one of the by Harlequin If that doesnt sound alarm bells, post pizzagate, I dont think anything will.

In reply to The fundamental by SafelyGraze. In reply to Lets not forget bitcoin's by gigadeath. But I sense you're being facetious, in which case I would remind you, feces is a very similar sounding word with much in common, appearance wise. In reply to satoshi is actually david by bamawatson. In reply to That would suck. But I sense by TheLastTrump. In reply to Why not ask the people in by runswithscissors.

In reply to Why not ask the Venezuelans? This article is entirely ironic: In reply to Is it a myth that the Mint is by francis scott …. One of the basic properties of good money is intrinsic value.

Intrinsic value means that the money has some other practical use, other than being a medium of exchange. Why is that necessary?

Because the industrial demand gives its price "a floor". Even if people don't want to use it as money, it's value doesn't go to zero due to the industrial demand. This property is why gold and silver have been so successful as money over the ages. Even in times when governments tried to promote paper money, gold and silver never went to zero, and this is why they have gained such a trustworthy reputation as stores of value.

BTC has no use other than as a medium of exchange, and therefore it has no intrinsic value. In that respect it is similar to the dollar or the Euro. If for some reason people don't want to use it as money anymore, its price CAN go to zero. I have recently debated someone who claimed that BTC does have other uses, such as ultra-secure storage of information. I accept that this is possible, but doubt that the demand for ultra-secure storage is large enough to justify a network which is allegedly worth a billion dollars.

In reply to Author probably have some by hestroy. Alternative uses may have been instrumental in gold becoming a money, but the value of a common medium of exchange far outstrips those uses, and is more than sufficient to sustain itself without any "floor".

In fact, essentially every money in use today lacks an alternative use. And neither gold nor silver are monies today. In reply to One of the basic properties by Mementoil.

Money cannot serve two markets well simultaneously. It's either one or the other. Google why the Romans quenched bronze coins in vineger. Two markets will always lead to monetary instability. I agreed with the intrinsic thought for a long time. A lot of hogwash above. In reply to A lot of hogwash above. The by Stuck on Zero. In reply to Your cognitive dissonance is by tmosley.

Tell me what the tells are and demonstrate where I have shown them. Just saying something doesn't make it so. As much as you magically thinking oldbugs wish it were so. In reply to You've been displaying yours by Implied Violins. How'd I do, bitch? In reply to Tell me what the tells are by tmosley. In reply to Necessity to reply to every by TheLastTrump.

In reply to I triggered you into a by tmosley. Bitcoin rises against the dollar because smart people can do their own math. The only people panicking about bitcoin are banks and governments. I don't trust transient electrons trying to represent real wealth, especially when computers and all programs that they run were DESIGNED to allow back-door access by the NSA and every government agency. I have a little gold and silver, some seeds, water filters, guns and ammo, and food.

After the coming shitstorm, I merely hope to survive and that I have enough time to figure out where I really need to go from there. Nobody can hack every node in the world at once. It would take a god, and gods have better things to do, like turning into bulls to fuck young women.

In reply to 1. I don't trust fiat by Implied Violins. In reply to Lol! In reply to Do you have something by kochevnik. Your lack of a good comeback to an overwhelmingly superior post is showing.

Holy shit he smoked you caviar. Have fun shilling your shit at another web site. In reply to Your lack of a good comeback by TheLastTrump. I have no doubt that there is money there and we will likely see crypto dominant in our future, but opportunity costs are the definition of speculation. Simply another symptom of our demise, which undoubtedly make some people very rich.

Mosley you fraud, you hated Bitcoin when it was cheap. You were the massive Gold and Silver stacking evangalist. Look at you now what a dick. At least Fonstar was early and had integrity. I hated Bitcoin when it was cheap? Then why was I trading it back in?

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USD is only 3. Lunyr ( pronounced Lunar) wants to take on the encyclopedia realm with a wikipedia style website that is based around blockchain ( bitcoin) technology.

I loved reading up the advantages and disadvantages.