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With crypto being such a fast-moving industry, project posts can quickly become out of date or even misleading. With the close of the financial year and current bear market, it seems appropriate to revisit featured projects and have a look at any key partnerships, developments and releases. Previously looked at in this postBlockarray have released a new websiteaimed at enterprise solutions to issues in the trucking sector.

Their work with Tennessee reps have borne fruit with a bill passed that recognises the legal authority to use distributed ledger technology and smart contracts in conducting transactions. This includes confirmation that rewards will be paid out on top of hosting costs has seen a huge response from the community.

A new whitepaper is expected to be released within the month to reflect the shift in direction, and the new 3 month rolling roadmap linked here.

I would highly recommend following their Mediumas it is updated on a consistent basis with lots of information on what is currently a rapidly transforming project. This post goes someway to describing the direction the project is taking, and more information about the token utility is posted here. The revenue-sharing model the SMARC token is using like Modum has caused a fair bit of discussion around the token-as-a-security issue. During the Modum ICO, similar messages came from them, and no backlash from regulatory bodies has happened as of yet, although importantly neither has any acutal revenue sharing.

The Telegram group membership has spiked from around 80 to 2. The team at OriginTrail have been hard at work to maintain the roadmap and launch their mainnet on schedule. This included a major rewrite of the network layer, a restructured codebased to provide more scalable and testable architecture, and an improved version of the payment mechanism.

The next release will include the bidding mechanism, and initial implementation of the zero knowledge layer. OriginTrail is still improving the team, recently adding two new senior software engineers. OriginTrail also maintains a high level of transparency wow ethereum data cell questions and answers pdf their GitHub with major releases every two weeks. My favourite recent update of theirs though is more information on one of their pilot projects I first mentioned back in January.

Cementing authenticity of goods is one of my key use cases of blockchain and this is recognised by other bodies. Wine is one of the most counterfeited products in the world. Read the study of the pilot program here. To kick things off, a partnership was inked with Milsped Group, a European logistics leader, based in the Balkans, to test and evaluate the CargoX blockchain solution to bills of lading.

With close to employees, and 57 customs branch offices, its a serious contender in the European logistics space. In Slovenia, the audience included over managers from logistics firms across the globe.

The press release states:. A working product, with confirmed customers and more potentially in the wings, not even 6 months following the ICO? Sounds like a project with real fundamentals to me. Smart Containers Group AG. SkyCell transports some of the most expensive and temperature-sensitive goods in the pharmaceutical industry, this monitoring is absolutely essential as it enables companies to comply with legislation from the EU regarding the delivery of medicinal products.

The FoodGuardians business has a similar offering — reusable containers and boxes wow ethereum data cell questions and answers pdf transport sensitive food products across regions or the globe. Their patented cooling technology is a big selling point The holding company holds over a hundred patents at time of publishwith the vision of having secure food safety through track and trace on the blockchain.

The firm also touts cost efficiency, and a reduced carbon footprint as the storage units are reusable. For those who have read the two previous articles written on Modum. They both even have offices in the same building at Technoparkstrasse! The initial token offering FAQ clears up the confusion around this quite clearly though:. Of course the containers have sensors that record data for quality control, but Smart Containers does not sell these data sets.

In the end Modum and Smart Containers will address to the same clients wow ethereum data cell questions and answers pdf Smart Containers provides the container and Modum will put a sensor in it. One of the most exciting aspects around the initial token offering is that SkyCell is a fully operational business already making use of blockchain technology, with revenues and partners in place.

There are a variety of different sized containers, all plug and dry ice free. The patented-in house developed cooling technology stores five times more energy than traditional methods to keep the container at a consistent temperature. SkyCell customers order a container, which SkyCell deliver to usually the production facility.

The customer then ships it via one of over 30 airline partners, SkyCell will then collect at the destination airport, or other preferred location. This enables SkyCell to currently serve over destination airports. The Cargolux media release found here shows why this partnership in particular is a huge win for SkyCell. Its expert staff is highly trained and motivated with a thorough knowledge and experience in their field.

Its fleet of modern freighters ensures the safe, fast and efficient transport of high-value, temperature-sensitive shipments across a global network. The Emirates SkyCargo business is also key to making the product available wow ethereum data cell questions and answers pdf a wide-range of potential customers, as they are the second largest cargo airline worldwide by freight-tonne kilometres flown.

Securing contracts with these key firms, or their product distributors in the industry is essential to growing the business. From the Smartcontainers whitepaperwe know they already have Novartis as a client, along with some big names such as Roche, Takeda, Kedrion, Grifols and Alagan. However, in just a 5 short years SkyCell have grown to 4 in this market, and their product is:.

Envirotainer is currently the market leader, but as we can see there is significant scope for SkyCell to compete. With the injection of funds the initial token offering will raise, it could be the catalyst needed to increase market share. In the future, SkyCell is looking to bring a business-to-consumer solution to market, that was developed and tested with one of the top 20 pharma companies in the world.

The direct to patient market is estimated to increase to a 2. The SkyCell ONE can also be co-branded by a partner, such as a pharmacy chain that could rent it out for home delivery, business trips or even holidays. The product is temperature stable for up to 72 hours, can be recharged passively in a fridge, or temp-controlled warehouse or truck.

Trials have been undergoing since June with an orphan drug product, and go live is expected in Q2 This would be across two coins.

Token Price — 0. Public Sale — End of March, staggered discount to first come first served. While operating in the shipping industry, the Smart Containers Group have identified several opportunities to improve efficiency by creating a fully integrated logistics ecosystems, based on the blockchain.

The idea is wow ethereum data cell questions and answers pdf documents, such as invoices, bills of lading for containers, customs documentation, licences, datasheets could be stored on the blockchain for all parties to use without the need for a human coordinator to tackle email chains and manually generate documents. This would be enabled with a mix of technologies to meet requirements.

Some documents would need to be public and would be available on a blockchain such as Ethereum. This on the blockchain can heavily reduce overheads and thus increase profit for those using the ecosystem. Clearly if someone can master this area, which several SAP based projects have failed to do effectively there would be widespread uptake. We wow ethereum data cell questions and answers pdf know IBM is operating in the same field with Maersk with Hyperledger Fabric, so time will tell if they can compete with this existing competition.

The LOGI coin is used to fuel the payment of smart contract transactions and its initial offering breaks down as such: The SmartContainers overview paper can be found in PDF format hereand the full format whitepaper here.

In the past month the team has also unveiled their website at https: The Wow ethereum data cell questions and answers pdf announcement thread is located here. The Presale is slated to being mid-March, with the public offering beginning at the end of Wow ethereum data cell questions and answers pdf. Blockarray is a Chatanooga, TN based firm seeking to develop data protocols, IT infrastructure and smart contracts to improve item tracking and product information wow ethereum data cell questions and answers pdf the supply chain to the end user.

A more narrow example of a problem they seek to solve is that barcodes GS1 standard codes do not provide much information apart from the firm that produced the item, and its ID.

The solution to wow ethereum data cell questions and answers pdf is to create a data protocol and infrastructure that allows business-to-business communication by the use of barcodes. This product would be a semi-centralised barcode system that offers the standard GS1 barcodes used by over two million businesses globally, and a unique anti-counterfeit barcode.

Furthermore, the barcode and blockchain system can be used to track the product through the supply chain to ensure accountability to suppliers and shippers and provide live tracking and information with the IoT. To pull this all together, we can condense this down into a few key goals.

The protocol will also anchor the barcode generation to the blockchain and associate it with an Ethereum or other platform wallet address. The actual action of scanning a barcode can be recorded as a transaction of the blockchain to enable better accountability.

Furthermore, Blockarray will allow information to be distributed across supply chain companies through the entire chain that they may not have had access to before. Another key goal is reducing the barrier to entry for new businesses accessing existing sales platforms like Amazon or eBay by allowing purchase of GS1 barcodes with ARY tokens. The firm also targets smaller enterprises that may not have their own blockchain ambitions realised due to the expertise required to utilize the tech.

This wow ethereum data cell questions and answers pdf is designed to be deployed both the Ethereum blockchain and Hyperledger Fabric. The firm is also a member of BITA, the blockchain in transport alliance. A cornerstone of their approach is the use of GS1 standardsjust like other supply chain protocol developers OriginTrail. One of the big shipping use cases Blockarray points out is a solution to a detention payout problem where having reliable evidence is an issue:.

When a truck driver arrives at the time they are suppose to, but the cargo is not ready to be loaded, they are entitled to a detention payout.

The use of visual smart contracts is how Blockarray, through their Badger consumer app can link information from firms to their products for public consumption. Goods in supermarkets have different label standards. With badger these are just some of the features you can see with products:. For example, you could purchase a fridge from a store, and it breaks after a period of time.

The consumer could use the badger app to scan the barcode on the product, which then could list product recall information, warranty dates, the items repair history if it has any and lists of authorised repair centres.

It could even provide links to instruction manuals or other documentation. So far this platform is being developed on Ethereum, and the proposal details creating a standard barcode system like GS1 to be used with the blockchain. Further platforms such as Hyperledger Fabric are also being developed for. The total supply sits at 88, ARY and a circulation supply of 68, Not much detail here which is a shame.

Tokens held by the team have a 9 month cliff, so if an employee leaves before this period they receive no tokens, with a phased 4 wow ethereum data cell questions and answers pdf vesting period following this. Blockarray also retains first right of refusal before selling onto exchanges.

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