Can you guess which country it is?

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Bitnodes is currently being developed to estimate the size of the Bitcoin network by finding all the reachable nodes in the network. Be part of bitcoin nodes by country Bitcoin network by running a Bitcoin full node, e. Use this bitcoin nodes by country to check if your Bitcoin client is currently accepting incoming connections from other nodes.

Start a Bitcoin full node on your Linux, Mac, BSD or Windows system to help validate and relay transactions across the Bitcoin network by running this command:. Want to advertise here? Top 6 countries with their respective number of reachable nodes. Top 6 networks with their respective number of reachable nodes. Korea, Republic of United Arab Emirates 5.

Bitcoin nodes by country, Islamic Republic of 5. Moldova, Republic of 3. Bosnia and Herzegovina 2. Lao People's Democratic Republic 1. Trinidad and Tobago 1. Isle bitcoin nodes by country Man 1. Hetzner Online GmbH Time Warner Cable Interne Deutsche Telekom AG SK Broadband Co Ltd Hurricane Electric LLC Virgin Media Limited China Unicom Beijing Prov Xs4all Internet BV Host Bitcoin nodes by country GmbH Swisscom Switzerland Ltd OOO Network of data-cente Telefonica De Espana Bahnhof Internet AB Telenor Norge AS Internode Pty Ltd Telstra Pty Ltd Solar Communications GmbH Videotron Telecom Ltee China Telecom Group UAB Cherry Servers China Next Generation Int Sky UK Limited Hydra Communications Ltd TPG Telecom Limited OJS Moscow city telephone Mediacom Communications Corp Vodafone Portugal bitcoin nodes by country Commu Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH Orange Espagne SA Telia Company AB Lanet Network Ltd AS number for New World T Telia Finland Oyj Serious Tubes Networks T-Mobile Czech Republic a.

TM Net, Internet Service Joe's Datacenter, LLC 8. Beijing Kingsoft Cloud In Telia Lietuva, AB 8. Tiscali UK Limited 7. BelCloud Hosting Corporation 7. A1 Telekom Austria AG 7.

T-Mobile Thuis BV 7. Domain names registrar RE Spark New Zealand Trading Sunrise Communications AG 7. Thor Data Center ehf 6. Verein zur Foerderung ein Bouygues Telecom SA 6. Content Delivery Network Ltd 5. Handy Networks, LLC 5. Bitcoin nodes by country Research Division Private Layer INC 5. China Education and Resea DataWeb Global Group B. CallPlus Services Limited 5. Joshua Peter McQuistan 5. Gigabit Hosting Sdn Bhd 4. Brno University of Techno O2 Czech Republic, a. Level 3 Parent, LLC 4.

China Unicom Shanghai net SkyMesh Pty Ltd 4. First Colo GmbH 4. Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA 4. Solnode Pty Ltd 4. Cambrium IT Services B. Hutchison Drei Austria GmbH 4. Baytems Holdings Oy 4.

Snap Internet Limited 3. The Corporation for Finan Exetel Pty Ltd 3. Server Central Network 3. DA International Group Ltd. Infolink Global Corporation 3. Hong Kong Broadband Netwo Icc Networks Ltd 3. Telia Latvija SIA 3. Genossenschaft GGA Maur 3. Lynet Internett AS 3. StarHub Cable Vision Ltd 3. Private Joint Bitcoin nodes by country Compa Telia Eesti AS 3.

Seti Weba Ltd 3.

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Bitnodes is currently being developed to estimate the size of the Bitcoin network by finding all the reachable nodes in the network. Chart shows the number of reachable nodes during the last days. Individual series can be enabled or disabled from the legend to view the chart for specific networks. Chart shows the distribution of reachable nodes across leading user agents. Series can be enabled or disabled from the legend to view the chart for specific user agents.

Chart shows the distribution of reachable nodes across leading ASNs. Series can be enabled or disabled from the legend to view the chart for specific ASNs. Chart shows the distribution of reachable nodes across leading countries.

Series can be enabled or disabled from the legend to view the chart for specific countries. Chart shows the distribution of reachable nodes across leading block heights. Series can be enabled or disabled from the legend to view the chart for specific groups of block heights.

Index 0 denotes nodes with the consensus block height. Index 1 denotes nodes with 1 block behind the consensus block height. Consensus block height is determined based on the most common block height among the reachable nodes in the network.

Chart shows propagation time in milliseconds for transactions during the last days. Timestamp for an inv message is based on the time when the kernel first saw the packet containing the inv message. The aggregated data does not include inv messages that were observed 1 hour after the first inv message for the same transaction. Chart shows propagation time in milliseconds for blocks during the last days.

The aggregated data does not include inv messages that were observed 1 hour after the first inv message for the same block. Be part of the Bitcoin network by running a Bitcoin full node, e.

Use this tool to check if your Bitcoin client is currently accepting incoming connections from other nodes. Start a Bitcoin full node on your Linux, Mac, BSD or Windows system to help validate and relay transactions across the Bitcoin network by running this command:. Want to advertise here?

Since days ago. User Agents Chart shows the distribution of reachable nodes across leading user agents. Countries Chart shows the distribution of reachable nodes across leading countries.

Block Heights Chart shows the distribution of reachable nodes across leading block heights. Transactions Propagation Chart shows propagation time in milliseconds for transactions during the last days.

Blocks Propagation Chart shows propagation time in milliseconds for blocks during the last days. Join the Network Be part of the Bitcoin network by running a Bitcoin full node, e. Start a Bitcoin full node on your Linux, Mac, BSD or Windows system to help validate and relay transactions across the Bitcoin network by running this command: