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Hope it helped, write back max results if you decide to try messing with things! The Litecoinmining Subreddit is also a great place to check out regularly. I'll have to try undervolting. I am using this one: The same thing happened to a friend of mine with the same gpu. Oh interesting, so will they actually shut off in that case? Can't find your answer? What settings are you using for your xfx x? What psu do you have? Good to know there is consistency.
Unless you don't pay for your own electricity - then you can still make a profit! If not, i am sure you can configure it within the hardware x. Because when I game I dogecoin get over 73C with no issue. You can use Add2PSU here max connect the 2 power supplies. I just bought a Sapphire dual-x R9 X, mostly for mining, max I'm getting what x consider are high temps. I just dogecoin a Sapphire dual-x R9 X, mostly for mining, and I'm getting what I consider are high temps. Just a heads-up that this article is from 5 years ago now.
Be careful adjusting voltages tho! Hitting the thermal barrier once or twice isn't bad, but consistently doing it will shorten the life of the card. I have an i5 , which also runs 95W. The side fan on my case is blowing right into the intack of my card so I that's why my card is able to stay cool in not such an amazing case. Ask a new question. Tom's Hardware Around the World. Subscribe to Tom's Hardware.
I bought this card thinking all would be well with a W PSU and.. I looked at the specs again, requires at least W. Although somebody apparently had two running on Clarify on that as well? Anyway, my friend's case only has about 5 small fans, only one being mm we added 3 just for putting this card in , whereas my case has 7 mm fans. This card, while mining dogecoin with cgminer, got up to 78C before I cut it off the other night.
I was told by said friend tonight that this card could withstand up to 95C. We still plan on adding two new fans in his case, but couldn't yet because he's really busy with two jobs. This thread makes me a sad shibe. I have three power color x cards and can't get over with any. Much hours of tweaking too. What drivers are you running? The only thing I can think of that I haven't tried are the beta drivers.
CGminer recognizes my cards as the series and not the series. Think that may be affecting it? Picky little mofos I say! Don't feel too bad. You're doing better than you think you are by not killing your card. Are you running the beta drivers too? No, I'm not using the beta drivers. But over 73C my card starts acting funky until it gives up. I think some part of the card is sensitive to heat when you're specifically mining.
Because when I game I can get over 73C with no issue. Also the newer bioses start throttling on Celsius on the VRM's, which you get at about 75ish on the core. I flashed a bios from The Stilt's post over on litecointalk. Anyway, running gpu at now, memory at and vddc is set to 1.
I strongly advise against flashing a bios unless you know the risks. Hope it helped, write back with results if you decide to try messing with things! Still playing with it, one of the cards really doesnt like being undervolted so i am using the other bios on it for the moment.
I have yet to OC them as well. Very glad i could help: Beware tho, running the fans on pct all the time seems to wear them down. It certainly wore mine out. One of them is rattling, its imbalanced and the fins clip the heatsink, im talking about the sapphire dual-x. Im sending it in monday to get it fixed tho, he did and it was no hassle, same vendor and stuff, they just changed the fans. I have Hynix AFR memory, so the bios didn't really change much for me. But according to some stuff that i cant be bothered to link right now, the bioses i mentioned should work a lot better for you, something to do with the vram timings.
I researched it earlier, my ram modules are Elida. Apperently the VRN on mine are fixed so unfortunately theres way to improve the bios since it is the same as what the stilt does to them. I got them both mining at kHashes stable now, I dont think i'll be able to get much more out of them. Thank you so much for the help. I have it undervolted at 1. My first x just came in the mail.
I'm excited to test it out. Have 3 R9 x's on the way as I type this, along with mobo and all that other jazz. Hoping to get close to 2. Intensity 19, vectors 1, worksize , lookup-gap 2, thread con. It's been running for about an hour so I'll post if it throws any errors. I used vbe7 with ati flash. But that flashes bios and i believe x is not supported if you are using windows try Trixx.
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