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The rest of this documentation refers to the Bitcoin wallet, but this library works with any Bitcoin wallet descendant. Including wallets for Litecoin and Dogecoin.
This library is meant to be more powerful than other libraries by offering the following features:. See the Bitcoin API wiki for information on each method. You will need to configure you wallet to act as a server before using this library. This is done by adding a few configuration values to the bitcoin. Shut down your wallet if it's running, and find your Bitcoin data directory. You will of course want to choose a strong username and password combination.
Non-Bitcoin wallets are configured in the same way. You may need to start your wallet with the -rescan switch for the first time after adding this configuration directive. I write code because I like writing code, and writing code is a reward in itself, but donations are always welcome. This library is meant to be more powerful than other libraries by offering the following features: Concrete methods are defined for each API call, which means modern IDEs can provide auto-complete and argument documentation.
Arguments for each API call are checked for correct type and format, which is useful during development and debugging. Abstracts away some of the Bitcoin API complications and inconsistencies, while tyring to stay close to the original. Better error handling and reporting.
RPCPool management so that wallets may be clustered, with queries are evenly distributed to the cluster. Designed from the ground up to be unit testable. Solid documentation for each API call, which is often taken directly from the Bitcoin source code. Installing Add the project to your composer.
Wallet Configuration You will need to configure you wallet to act as a server before using this library. Add the following lines: Refactored the unit tests to use more mocks. Renamed the following methods to make the method names more consistent, and so they conform to my naming standards: Removed the following methods: TODO Ensure the wallet server version supports specific calls. Document which methods need an unlocked wallet. Create classes which represent: