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Lending from Zidisha-managed donation accounts is currently reduced due to the discovery of technical errors which had allowed lending to exceed available funds in October, and caused negative account balances when corrected.

Individual lender accounts were not affected by this error. Given current repayment flows, we expect the accounts to be replenished and normal lending from Zidisha-managed accounts to resume in about a month.

In the meantime, individual lending accounts will continue to lend normally. If your loan application expires unfunded, we encourage you to reapply. Once the Zidisha-managed donation accounts are replenished, more lending capital will be available, and we expect a higher percentage of loan applications to be funded.

Saya percaya zidisha akan memberikan yang terbaik. I"m sure it will be funded. Thank a lot zidisha. Saya yakin pasti nanti terdanai. Terimakasih atas penjelasannya, saya senang dengan kabar ini. This is good explanation madam Julia but my question is,what of those borrowers who's application are not showed on Zidisha website?

How will they be funded when lenders can't see them? Long live Zidisha and the good work you are doing. We as borrowers will continue to be faithful because we know we need each other to succeed. Thanks a lot Madam Julia.

However, I wish to give a small suggestion,instead of putting a loan to be funded for 13 days, why can't it be changed to 21 days or even 28 days? It's so tidious for some of my mentees posting loans for more than three times up to 28 days. Because the first14 days lapses very first so instead of that hustle of running to the cyber after every loan expiry date,please allow for a little longer period so that people don't keep reapplying again and again my opinion though thank you.

Thanks to our Director Julia Kurnia, you let us know what we do not know and in a clear way. What about those of us who's credit limit was reduced Is there a possibility that it will be increased again when the lending capital is replenished.

Am so discouraged since mine was affected as much as it was decreased to almost half of what I expected for my next loan that had planned for my next project. Thanks you in advance for continuous assistance, for lending us and for developing us borrowers. Terima kasih Mrs Julia semoga Zidisha semakin sukses ke depannya. Thank you, I am glad to get an explanation from the director julia kurnia, so borrowers do not worry.

Members included in the list. Members who have paid off the installment. For review, this causes application buildup to be reviewed and increases the workload of zidisha staff, while new members also queue for review and approval. I understand because of the lack of zidisha volunteer staff, by working hard to revisit many loan applications that must be approved.

With the increasing number of zidisha staff who have their respective duties, then in addition to reducing the accumulation of applications to be reviewed can be focused and can be meticulous in the review.

All borrowers must attach a KTP, not only large-scale borrowers or high-risk borrowers, with borrowers attaching their identification cards, fraud or forgery. Applications will be reduced, as many of their zidisha members are not responsible for the obligation to repay the loan, in addition. Terima kasih, saya senang mendapat penjelasan dari direktur julia kurnia, jadi peminjam tidak cemas.

Anggota termasuk dalam daftar. Anggota yang telah melunasi cicilannya. Untuk ditinjau, ini menyebabkan penumpukan aplikasi ditinjau dan meningkatkan beban kerja staf zidisha, sementara anggota baru juga mengantri untuk diperiksa dan disetujui.

Saya mengerti karena kurangnya staf relawan zidisha, dengan bekerja keras untuk meninjau kembali banyak aplikasi pinjaman yang harus disetujui. Dengan semakin bertambahnya staf zidisha yang memiliki tugas masing-masing, maka selain mengurangi akumulasi aplikasi yang akan ditinjau bisa difokuskan dan bisa teliti dalam review.

Semua peminjam harus melampirkan KTP, tidak hanya peminjam dengan nominal besar atau peminjam yang beresiko tinggidengan peminjam yang melampirkan kartu identitas mereka, kecurangan atau pemalsuan Applikasi akan dikurangi, karena banyak anggota zidisha mereka tidak bertanggung jawab atas kewajiban membayar cicilan pinjaman, selain itu. I agree with Mr. Su Rono, It would be great if when first enrolled to become a member of zidisha it will be required to upload ID card, do not wait until certain loan to upload ID, this will be more safeguarding the investor"s security.

Saya setuju dengan Pak su Rono, Alangkah lebih bagus jika saat pertama kali mendaftar menjadi anggota zidisha maka akan diminta untuk unggah KTP,jangan menunggu hingga pinjaman tertentu untuk unggah KTP,ini akan lebih menjaga keamanan para investor. Su Rono to let the lender feel comfortable lending the funds and the borrower has the responsibility to pay the installment.

Do not let the honest people get harmed by the cheaters. And hopefully zidisha is getting better, in any case. Hopefully no more unrecorded payments, etc. Thus reducing the percentage of payments on time due to technical issues. Thank you director Julia, may you always healthy, God bless you.

Saya setuju dengan bapak Su Rono agar pemberi pinjaman merasa tenang meminjamkan dananya dan peminjam dana mempunyai tanggung jawab untuk membayar angsurannya.

Jangan sampai orang-orang jujur dirugikan oleh adanya pihak yang berbuat curang. Dan semoga zidisha makin menjadi lebih baik, dalam hal apapun.

Semoga tidak ada lagi pembayaran tidak terekam, dll. Sehingga menurunkan presentase pembayaran tepat waktu karena masalah teknis. Terimakasih direktur Julia, semoga anda sehat selalu, Tuhan memberkatimu. The increasing number of loan applications that are not comparable to the number of lenders, some technical issues, and the approval process for new applications that can take days, as if the top of the various problems that must be faced by zidisha today.

One of the main causes of the incident is the fraudulent borrowers who are irresponsible after receiving loan funds and causing a lot of default loans. One of the fundamental solutions that zidisha can do is to implement a strict identity verification system since someone signed up to be a member of zidisha because at this time zidisha just ask for ID card number only when registering, then review by VM from facebook etc.

For some members indeed through the process of third party verification in cooperation with zidisha that is Lenddo, but that too only limited email verification that is not enough, the impact there is still default loan even though it is still the first loan new member. Perhaps zidisha can implement a gradual identity verification process, for example: Maybe zidisha can add Jumio as a third party who process member identity verification, Jumio has been trusted by hundreds of merchants including payment processor and they can verify the identity of people from various countries quickly and accurately.

If you need a certificate of income from the relevant agencies, let all Zidisha changed into the World Bank. Bila perlu surat keterangan penghasilan dari instansi terkait,biar sekalian Zidisha berubah jadi Bank Dunia. You are very active in this forum, surely you can also feel the sense of "frustration" experienced by members who post here.

Anda sangat aktif di forum ini, pastinya anda juga dapat merasakan rasa "frustasi" yang dialami oleh anggota yang di posting di sini. It may be necessary for the zidisha team to know the limits of the members" ability to pay the loan. Reducing the maximum loan limit will also affect, small but evenly distributed.

Mungkin perlu supaya team zidisha bisa tahu batas kempampuan anggota bayar pinjamannya. Mengurangi batas pinjaman maksimal juga akan mempengaruhi,kecil tapi merata. I believe Team zidisha is the competent person. I"m just listening and being an audience because I"m not very smart. I follow the rules of zidisha only. Saya percaya Team zidisha orang yang bekompeten. Saya hanya menyimak dan jadi penonton karena saya tidak terlalu pintar.

Saya ikutin aturan zidisha saja. It is a loan application with high interest that is currently developing in Indonesia, offering loans to employees or people with regular income. If uploading proof of debt, bank statement, is very inconvenient for the borrower, here is a non-profit organization, here bring together borrowers and creditors, here borrowers are not just young people like you, please note, here are many borrowers aged over 40 years, here many borrowers who pioneered the business, so with the above points, will destroy the old borrower with minimal knowledge of bank statements.

Merupakan aplikasi pinjaman dengan bunga tinggi yang saat ini berkembang di indonesia, menawarkan pinjaman kepada karyawan atau orang dengan penghasilan tetap. Jika mengunggah bukti alamat surat utang, laporan bank, sangat merepotkan bagi peminjam, berikut adalah organisasi nirlabadi sini mempertemukan peminjam dan kreditur, disini peminjam tidak hanya orang muda sepertimu, perlu diketahui, berikut ini banyak peminjam yang berusia di atas 40 tahun, disini banyak peminjam yang merintis bisnis, jadi dengan poin di atas, akan musnah peminjam yang sudah tua dengan minim nya pengetahuan tentang laporan bank.

No need to proof of income etc, the most important is the identity of the members are clear and true, because the member"s earnings can be "read" from the project he proposed. Tidak perlu bukti penghasilan dll, yang terpenting adalah identitas anggota yang jelas dan benar, karena penghasilan anggota sudah dapat "terbaca" dari project yang dia ajukan.

As you say One of the main causes of the incident is a fraudulent borrower who is not responsible after receiving the loan funds and causing many loans fails to pay. Can you be sure the project is genuine??? If there is a letter of acceptance of the VM party can verivikasi to instansti related source pengasilnnya. Seperti kata anda Salah satu penyebab utama kejadian tersebut adalah peminjam yang curang yang tidak bertanggung jawab setelah menerima dana pinjaman dan menyebabkan banyak pinjaman gagal bayar.

Jika ada surat keteranag penghasilan pihak VM bisa verivikasi ke instansti terkait sumber penghasilnnya. EASY You do not have to pledge your property, have an account at the bank, or show your paycheck, to get a loan.

Are you sure all VM will do it? Apakah anda yakin semua VM mau melakukannya? Mungkin anda juga harus membacanya ulang. Zidisha bukan microfinance Seperti yang lainnya. I quote from a post that requires uploading proof of bank statement, zidisha has applied, to upload a profile photo with a business or work background and upload the ID is valid enough. So no need to upload selfie photos by holding a KTP. Saya mengutip dari postingan yang mengharuskan upload bukti laporan bankzidisha sudah menerapkan ,untuk unggah foto profil dengan latar belakang bisnis atau pekerjaan dan upload KTP itu sudah cukup valid.

Jadi tidak di perlukan upload foto selfie dengan memegang KTP. To verify your address, please upload one of the following documents: The point is no way and type of verification process, the goal is to reduce cheating members, the mechanism of its implementation later, we leave it completely to the team zidisha, above I just give examples of the usual verification process done today.

Intinya apapun cara dan jenis proses verifikasi tersebut, tujuannya untuk mengurangi anggota yang curang, mengenai mekanisme penerapannnya nanti, kita serahkan sepenuhnya kepada tim zidisha, diatas saya hanya memberikan contoh proses verifikasi yang biasa dilakukan saat ini. Bukan kah Yang biasa dilakukan juga sumber penghasilan harus jelas.

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