Emercoin github markdown

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The NEM team will be giving bounties for the following projects. The projects will all have the following three parts. The following projects are offered as suggestions. We will be willing to add additional projects if a community member suggests them.

Please make project proposals to jabo38 before starting. Suggestions for new ideas are welcome too! Blogs should be written in Markdown also the language of this forum for posting and images for blogs hosted in the cloud. Previewing a blog written in Markdown can be done on http: The new bounty system is posted on the NEM website. How to use NEM mosaics as in-game currency use an open source JS game and reward high scores with mosaics that can be exchanged for badges. Please contact jabo38 on Telegram for more details.

How to create a payment API using NEM asynchronously check an address for incoming tx with a previously defined msg and on success return something to the user. Build a new version of XEMsign. This is a bot that a person can run on a server that will watch the chain and sign transactions for multisig accounts.

Bot will only sign if transactions meet certain requirements. Examples can be a whitelist or blacklist of receiving accounts, daily limits, transaction limits, min balance limits, or a special message sent with the emercoin github markdown Google 2FA or secret password. How to create a voting app using NEM using sink addresses for voting options, filtering for duplicates.

Should also be compatible with Nano wallet. Application framework mapped out already by jabo How to use NEM as a coupon system for business coupons. Build extensions for NanoWallet to be used in a browser app. Build an offline transaction notifier app and companion scanner app for creating an air-gapped wallet solution for NEM.

Details can be found here. Build a NEM notification app fully integrated with Telegram available for all users. Please contact jabo38 for more details. The more on chain, decentralized, and secure, the better. Victor is working on Twitter. Alvin is working on Facebook. BOJ interest rate - 0. SNB interest rate - 0. We need a new paper wallet maker for the mobile apps too.

We still need a Nano wallet fork for mobile. That would have to be discussed but would be a bigger project and bounty. Owon has made this paper wallet and released it. I campaign at my SBMF!!!

Should I translate it in English? It would also emercoin github markdown nice to have a emercoin github markdown email service emercoin github markdown up where anybody could sign up and get email notifications about their account status emercoin github markdown updates.

Please contact emercoin github markdown on Telegram for more details How to create a payment API using NEM asynchronously check an address for incoming tx with a previously defined msg and on success return something to the user. Owon is working on the paper wallet. Nikhil made emercoin github markdown changelly module. Other suggestions for projects are possible. There are other emercoin github markdown examples too emercoin github markdown would emercoin github markdown nice, like a mobile option for Apostille.

I finish it on January 3 midnight. Davide has submitted a code and blog on how to make a telegram notification bot. RB2 has submitted a blog on how to use Docker. Thanks to RB2 for that.

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