Buying and selling bitcoin, explained

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Transactions are managed entirely by the network. Please ask only programming questions about Bitcoin. Tagged Questions info newest frequent votes active unanswered. Learn more… Top users Synonyms. Why bitcoin use Unstructured networks but not structured one? Why bitcoin use Unstructured networks but not structured one which is valued better? Dang Anh 8 4. Generate bitcoin or other alt coin bip32 extended public key xpub from extended private key xprv I am looking to implement a crypto currency payment system for an altcoin that is a fork of bitcoin.

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The safety tag has no usage guidance. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Tagged Questions info newest frequent votes active unanswered. Learn more… Top users Synonyms. I have a Trezor. Anyone concerned that, by individuals getting rich too fast, crime towards cryptocurrency holders will also increase?

How can wallets users know their private keys? Why don't some bitcoin wallets give the private keys to its users?

Is it safe to use these wallets? Is there any way for the users to know their private keys without the need to contact the wallets Gamal Thomas 5. Electrum seed words safety dumb question I am starting with bitcoin and even though I understand pretty well how the blockchain works, the seed words used by some wallets MultiBit and Electrum give me creeps and doubts.

Sasuke Pikaloko 1 1. Specifically with attention to costs and fees, and maintaining anonymity via in Who is liable my case or is it a classic hack?

Is word seed phrase safe enough? Is word seed phrase as used by Electrum for example safe enough for generating an offline wallet? My understanding is this: Does AirBitz have federated servers? I have been looking for a service that uses federated servers. Because I am paranoid.

And because companies pay me to be imaginative in my foe analogies. Nathan Basanese 1 I was curious to know if anyone knows of any bitcoin business that stores people's wallets offline? I'm looking to diversify my backup methods for cold storage and am wanting to send my backups to a Do AntMiners comply with Part 15 of the U.

Federal Communication Commission's rules and regulations? I tagged this question with "safety" because implicit in my question is what percentage of watts Geremia 2, 1 19 How can I install a bitcoin wallet on Kali Linux?

I got Kali Linux installed on my laptop and I want to install a good bitcoin wallet to store my bitcoins offline. As I know,top 5 best bitcoin wallets would be Bitcoin Core the first offline wallet , VIPaul 66 2 7. What is the point of comparing sha of downloaded file with published on the same website code?

I suppose this is to protect against man-in-the-middle attack - that my file was not altered during download. Resources for multisignature transactions? I am interested in using multisignature transactions to secure my company's coins and I'm wondering what tools are available right now for use with multisignature transactions? The general consensus in the Bitcoin network is to wait for 6 confirmations or 1 hour on a transaction before it can be considered completely irreversible.

However, when it comes to altcoins that use A paper wallet is a very misnamed term, since it's in fact a "paper address" indeed contrary to a "wallet" which stores multiples addresses, for ewample inside the wallet. Stack Overflow for Teams is Now Available. Bitcoin Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled.