Bitstamp wikihow
Bitcoin price drop 2013
Trading terminal for cryptocoin exchanges CEXIO, Coincheck, GDAX, HitBtc, BTCChina, Kraken, ItBit, Binance, Bitbay,Bitstamp, Bitfinex, Bitmarket, Bleutrade, QUOINE, Bittrex, BL3P Bitonic, Poloniex, EXMO, Gemini, Vaultoro, Mercado Bitcoin, Lykke, THEROCK, WEX. I think I might be even worse off with a loss of more than 25 compared to just hodl if I count in the bot price of 0.
I think it's hard to find a good exchange in US that works smoothly with bank accounts which forces us to stick with Coinbase even if their customer service is the shittiest out of all exchanges.
My result with them are so surprising that I trade less less I am their recommendation. Some bizarre things happened on BTCe recentlyincluding spikes of the BTCEUR price into the thousands.