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However, we reserve the right to block any use that we regard as abusive. All the chart images in this documentation are generated live, using the Chart API. To view the URL of any image, do the following:. To make a URL easier to read, this document often shows it on multiple lines. All the information about the chart that you want, such as chart data, size, colors, and labels, are part of the URL. For POST requests, it's a little different, but don't worry about that now.
To make the simplest chart possible, all your URL needs to specify is the chart type, data, and size. For example, follow this link for a pie chart:. All Chart URLs have the following format:.
All URLs start with https: All charts require at minimum the following parameters: However, there are many more parameters for additional options, and you can specify as many additional parameters as the chart supports.
Copy and paste this URL in your browser and try making a few changes: Add new labels put a mark before each new value. Make the chart bigger. Now that you've learned the basics of making a chart, here are a few optimizations that you can use. For more information, see the Generic Image Chart documentation , or look in the Visualization gallery for any Google charts marked Image. Last updated September 15, This API is deprecated.
See our deprecation policy for details. This page describes the basics of using the Chart API to make charts. To view the URL of any image, do the following: If you are using Firefox, right-click and then select "View Image" or "Properties". If you are using Internet Explorer, right-click and then select "Properties". Chart Components Here are some of the components of a chart: This is the base URL for all chart requests.
See the maximum values here. This data is in simple text format, but there are other formats.