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An active tweeterButerin uses the platform to announce news about Ethereum, but also to crack jokes or debate almost anything. On Tuesday, he decided to tackle some ancient logical paradoxes, including the eternal "chicken twitter bitcoin egg" dilemma and the omnipotence paradox.

Rich dudes are running out of insults for Bitcoin. That sounds simple and elegant enough, but I've seen enough similar arguments to know this wasn't going to be that easy. And twitter bitcoin course, within minutes, critics chimed in. It can twitter bitcoin self imposed limits, like a king can make a rule that he has to follow until he changes the rule," said one commenter. And thus started the debate, which you can read by following the entire thread on Twitter.

Kings are free to abdicate, and indeed I would say a monarch without the power to abdicate is not an absolute monarch. Twitter bitcoin can cease being wet if it can irrevocably transmute itself into gold. Before the argument was done, someone just had to stir the waters some more with a different paradox, and Buterin readily obliged.

You'd have to pick some genetic dividing twitter bitcoin to distinguish chicken vs non-chicken. Since as I understand most genetic rearranging happens at conception, it's likely the first chicken egg came before the first adult chicken.

Biologists twitter bitcoin free to correct me though. Well, maybe in this universe. Buterin, the smarty pants that he is, just had to include other universes into the problem, making it infinitely more mind-blowing. There are possible worlds where it is not. Then, the first twitter bitcoin chicken likely came before the first chicken egg, at least for any genetic definition of "chicken".

What's fun about Buterin's social presence is twitter bitcoin he seems to twitter bitcoin light subjects such as these with equal zest as actual problems in the cryptocurrency space. Just days ago, with a few comments on Github, he solved an important problem in Ethereum competitor's EOS' consensus mechanism, prompting that project's founder Daniel Larimer to publicly thank him.

Elon Muskyou have a serious competitor here. We're using cookies to improve your experience. Click Here to find out more. Tech Like Follow Follow. Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of cryptocurrency Ethereum, is having a blast on Twitter. The former passes through the latter.

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