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It is said that during a gold rush, the people who make the real money are the ones selling the spades. The same appears to be true with Bitcoin, judging by the whacking great revenues announced by a firm which can you make money bitcoin mining 2013 spike computers dedicated to mining the cryptocurrency. The increased activity around Bitcoin in just half a week undoubtedly had a sizable impact on our sales.

All in all, the seven-month-old firm has sold 5, mining machines. Bticoin mining rigs are computers dedicated to generating new Bitcoins by solving complex mathematical problems and hashing them, which process is explained in this article. The hash stage is necessary to ensure the validity of the currency — full technical details are available on the Bitcoin website. It used to be the case that an ordinary graphics processing unit GPU was fast enough to solve the hashes, but as more Bitcoins are created the successful hashes necessary to generate them have been getting more and more difficult, leading to a need for dedicated mining machines.

Minds Mastering Machines - Call for papers now open. The Register - Independent news and views for the tech community. Part of Situation Publishing. Join our daily or weekly newsletters, subscribe to a specific section or set News alerts. The Register uses cookies. Enterprise backup bods treat kit for ransomware code lurk Pentagon on military data-nomming JEDI cloud mind trick: Can you make money bitcoin mining 2013 spike can can you make money bitcoin mining 2013 spike only one vendor Curiouser and curiouser: UPnP joins the 'just turn it off on consumer devices, already' club Red Hat admin?

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It is said that during a gold rush, the people who make the real money are the ones selling the spades.

The same appears to be true with Bitcoin, judging by the whacking great revenues announced by a firm which makes computers dedicated to mining the cryptocurrency. The increased activity around Bitcoin in just half a week undoubtedly had a sizable impact on our sales. All in all, the seven-month-old firm has sold 5, mining machines. Bticoin mining rigs are computers dedicated to generating new Bitcoins by solving complex mathematical problems and hashing them, which process is explained in this article.

The hash stage is necessary to ensure the validity of the currency — full technical details are available on the Bitcoin website. It used to be the case that an ordinary graphics processing unit GPU was fast enough to solve the hashes, but as more Bitcoins are created the successful hashes necessary to generate them have been getting more and more difficult, leading to a need for dedicated mining machines.

The Register - Independent news and views for the tech community. Part of Situation Publishing. Join our daily or weekly newsletters, subscribe to a specific section or set News alerts. The Register uses cookies. Enterprise backup bods treat kit for ransomware code lurk Pentagon on military data-nomming JEDI cloud mind trick: There can be only one vendor Curiouser and curiouser: London cops' facial recog tech slammed. Hey cool, you went serverless. Now you just have to worry about all those stale functions You're in charge of change, and now you need to talk about DevOps hater Robin Orchestral manoeuvres in the Docker: A noob's guide to microservices You love Systemd — you just don't know it yet, wink Red Hat bods.

Thirsty outsourcing titan finds small oasis in contract desert. Huawei shames Cupertino with under-glass sensor IP freely? If only Trevor Baylis had patent protections inventors enjoy today FTC names its dirty half-dozen half-assed tech warranty bandits. Geek's Guide Astroboffins spy the most greedy black hole yet gobbling a Sun a day Learn how to zap menacing aliens or troublesome coworkers Get over yourselves: Artificial Intelligence Internet of Things Conference round-up: Capable kit, if the warnings don't put you off Boffins build a 2D 'quantum walk' that's not a computer, but could still blow them away Boffins urge Google to drop military deal after Googlers storm out over AI-based super-drones.

Most read Britain to slash F orders? More from The Register. Why is Bitcoin fscked? Here are three reasons: Lenovo heading towards Hong Kong exchange index boot Hang Seng stock price fall leaves vendor facing blue chip index chop. Fleeing Snowden hid among Hong Kong's refugees. Vietnam bans Bitcoin as payment for anything What is it with mostly single party states and crimps on cryptocurrency?

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