Explaining The Math Behind Bitcoin

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By this publication I want to start a series of articles explaining blokchain structure, if of course it will be interested to community. To construct address we need to be able to calculate ripemd and sha hash function. Additionally, we must be able ripemd160 bitcoin calculator present data in base and base58 format.

I'll show you how to do. In order to translate base representation in binary find the appropriate service by the search phrase "hexadecimal to binary file" - suitable example. In order to calculate the sha hash from the binary representation of the data find the appropriate service by the search phrase "file to sha online" - suitable example. Let us to consider construction of bitcoin address for the public key example. A public key is a consistent record of two solutions of elliptic equations preceded by a byte '04'.

I plan to write about the solution of elliptic equations for constructing public key for a private one in the on ripemd160 bitcoin calculator the next posts. In order to calculate the sha hash, we must first write the public key to a file in binary using the service 1 and then calculate the sha of the resulting file using ripemd160 bitcoin calculator service 2.

For more information about this award, click ripemd160 bitcoin calculator. By upvoting this notification, you can help all Steemit users. Constructing bitcoin address for known public key.

I'll show you how to do it without having programming knowledge. In order to translate base representation in binary find the appropriate service by the search phrase "hexadecimal to binary file" - suitable example http: In order to calculate the sha hash from the binary representation of the data find the appropriate service by the search phrase "file to sha online" - suitable example https: Let the solutions of elliptic equations in base representation are following: Concatinate results of 3 and 6 eb15cbf27debf6f0fb50ebb88f18c29b7d93 To represent data as base58 use service 4.

This is the very first bitcoin address found in the blokchain. Used diagram drawn by the bitcointalk. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. Ripemd160 bitcoin calculator have received a personal award! For more information about this award, click here By upvoting this notification, you can help all Steemit users.

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