Keep your wallet synced with your own full Monero node

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If you've been experimenting with cryptocurrencies, you probably discovered that you can't properly operate your wallet unless it's fully synced. As blockchain sizes and transaction rates grow, wallet synchronization becomes problematic for a lot of people.

This is what "wallet sync" monero wallet cli daemon term looks like on Google Trends:. Your wallets will always sync instantly.

I like having a decicated machine for keeping up with the blockchain data Ethereum and Monero in my case.

HD used to make Stream Mini Desktop discontinued. It's a thing of beauty - quiet fanlessenergy efficient HP Monero wallet cli daemon Mini Desktop is unfortunately no longer available for sale, but may occasionally be found on eBay. Amazon offers a wide selection of similar hardware.

Once Ubuntu is set monero wallet cli daemon, you can proceed with installing the Monero daemon software. First, make sure that port is open UFW example:. We will use the following settings: Launch monerod with these settings replace You should now be able to connect to your Monero daemon via RPC from other machines, using command-line tools:.

Similarly, you can specify your new local daemon in the GUI wallet: This is what "wallet sync" search term looks like on Google Trends: Monero wallet cli daemon, make sure that port is open UFW example: If the wallet doesn't exist, it will be created. Wallet file name or Ctrl-C to quit: Refresh done, blocks received: Now your wallets are lightning-fast.

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It is a console program, and manages an account. While a bitcoin wallet manages both an account and the blockchain, Monero separates these: This guide will show how to perform various operations from the monero-wallet-cli UI. The guide assumes you are using the most recent version of Monero and have already created an account according to the other guides.

Since the blockchain handling and the wallet are separate programs, many uses of monero-wallet-cli need to work with the daemon. This includes looking for incoming transactions to your address. Once you are running both monero-wallet-cli and monerod , enter balance. This will pull blocks from the daemon the wallet did not yet see, and update your balance to match. This process will normally be done in the background every minute or so.

To see the balance without refreshing:. In this example, Balance is your total balance. The unlocked balance is the amount currently available to spend. Newly received transactions require 10 confirmations on the blockchain before being unlocked.

You will need the standard address you want to send to a long string starting with '4' , and possibly a payment ID, if the receiving party requires one. In that latter case, that party may instead give you an integrated address, which is both of these packed into a single address.

Payment ID's are optional. If the receiving party doesn't need one, just omit it. If not specified, the default is 7. It's a good idea to use the default, but you can increase the number if you want to include more outputs. The higher the number, the larger the transaction, and higher fees are needed. Since Monero is anonymous, you won't see the origin address the funds you receive came from. If you want to know, for instance to credit a particular customer, you'll have to tell the sender to use a payment ID, which is an arbitrary optional tag which gets attached to a transaction.

To make life easier, you can generate an address that already includes a random payment ID:. This will generate a random payment ID, and give you the address that includes your own account and that payment ID. If you want to select a particular payment ID, you can do that too:. Payments made to an integrated address generated from your account will go to your account, with that payment id attached, so you can tell payments apart. If you pay a merchant, and the merchant claims to not have received the funds, you may need to prove to a third party you did send the funds - or even to the merchant, if it is a honest mistake.

Monero is private, so you can't just point to your transaction in the blockchain, as you can't tell who sent it, and who received it. However, by supplying the per-transaction private key to a party, that party can tell whether that transaction sent monero to that particular address.

Note that storing these per-transaction keys is disabled by default, and you will have to enable it before sending, if you think you may need it:. Pass in the transaction ID you want the key for. Remember that a payment might have been split in more than one transaction, so you may need several keys. You can then send that key, or these keys, to whoever you want to provide proof of your transaction, along with the transaction id and the address you sent to.

Note that this third party, if knowing your own address, will be able to see how much change was returned to you as well. If you are the third party that is, someone wants to prove to you that they sent monero to an address , then you can check this way:.

You can give an optional height to list only recent transactions, and request only incoming or outgoing transactions. This will start mining on the daemon usin two threads.

Note that this is solo mining, and may take a while before you find a block. Team Hangouts Sponsorships Merchants. Checking your balance Since the blockchain handling and the wallet are separate programs, many uses of monero-wallet-cli need to work with the daemon. To see the balance without refreshing: