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And now, the world Cine. Best place to Buy cialis online. Saturday saw Morgan Hendry take the yellow jersey with a time of It was Dave Crowleys turn to shine and after a start with Morgan on his wheel it was looking good until Morgan cramped and fell back by half a lap.
With 1Km to go his companions weakening he took to the front. With m to go and looking like it may be another win he was pipped to the post by another rider. Still gets to wear the yellow jersey in the next stage. Unusually for Dave, without everything else matching. The weather first thing looked like it may be a bit wet but by the start it had cleared, just a bit of a westerly wind to contend with.
After a start where the team weren't together they regrouped by Heol y Cyw ready to take on the climbs. Morgan put the hammer down and Alex also put in an impressive effort. Dave took the front at Blackmill climb only to be taken by a skinny junior.
Alex managed to catch him and get a time bonus in the process. A few more climbs saw the team suffering, the junior was still keeping the pace along Heol y Cyw with PTW in hot pursuit but rumours were that he was 35 minutes behind after a previous puncture which gave the team a bit of respite.
With a bit of time to recover it was on to the last climb when Morgan and Alex went full throttle and Dave jumped the bunch to take 2nd place. No mean feat for an 8 year old on such a hilly course.
They then headed West into the wind on the B Glynneath road all the way to the Ynysygerwn cricket club junction. The riders arrive at the first lap then it's past Ynysygerwyn cricket club junction where traffic stopped to watch as the riders raced around the bend and down the hill to the Aberdulais roundabout rejoining the A, this time continuing all the way back to the McDonalds roundabout before returning back on the Glynneath road to Aberdulais for a final lap on the A and back to the Finish line just before Ynysygerwn Cricket Club at the Groundhog factory.
There were no reports of injuries but some riders failed to finish. It was still a good effort from them and we hope they still enjoyed the race. There were a good show of spectators at the finish line ready to welcome Rhys Lloyd of NFTO to be first to cross the line.
Both former members of Port Talbot Wheelers. Click here To view all the excellent photographs he took on the night. Glen Tucker was club captain around His son Keith Tucker has given us some photos. Do any of the older club members recognise anyone in the photos? The Manager of the Odeon looks on, the man on the kerbside is Reg Plowerman.
A couple of weeks in and we have had a fine turn out of competitors. Only last week we had 29 entries, 16 from the club and 13 from other clubs. Start time is now 7pm until the end of summer. If you have not done a time trial before then you are welcome to come along and have a go. Everyone is always happy to give you pointers.
Have a look at this link from British Cycling all about trying out time trialling. Some good information here. British Cycling Time trialling. All results from the time trials can be found in the links bar at the top of the page. Details of upcoming events can be found here. The riders prepare for the off at Resolven TRW club. Does anyone remember Glen Tucker?
TT Season has started. The TT Season has begun and the club timetrials on a Thursday night are well under way. British Cycling Time trialling All results from the time trials can be found in the links bar at the top of the page. Hope to see you there. Sundays Ramblers ride is to Aberdare approx 50 miles.
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