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The MakerBot Digitizer Desktop 3D Scanner can scan a real world object and produce a ready-to-print 3D model in as little as 12 minutes, with no post-processing or cleanup required. MakerWare for Digitizer creates industry standard stereolithography STL files which can be imported into or modified with most 3D modeling software.
The MakerBot Digitizer Desktop 3D Scanner creates a digital 3D model of a physical object by taking a rapid sequence of pictures as the object rotates on the MakerBot Digitizer turntable. Here is how it happens:. Your final scan will be a manifold 3D mesh that can be printed on your MakerBot, shared on Thingiverse. Some objects will produce better scans than others. Here are a few guidelines to help you determine what will produce a good scan. You can reduce glare on reflective surfaces or lighten dark surfaces by applying corn starch with a paint brush.
A World of Electronics. Make sure to close any open double-quotes. Click on search tips for More Details. CA14 Multi Turn Model: Makerbot Digitizer Desktop 3D Scanner. Images are for illustration purposes only. Overview The MakerBot Digitizer Desktop 3D Scanner can scan a real world object and produce a ready-to-print 3D model in as little as 12 minutes, with no post-processing or cleanup required. Here is how it happens: Two lasers, mounted on the left and right corners of the MakerBot Digitizer, create laser lines that outline the profile of the object, while a camera takes a series of photographs.
MakerWare for Digitizer software takes the photographs of the laser lines and combinesthem to create a point cloud. The MakerBot Digitizer has a dimensional accuracy of up to 2 mm. Laser Line Triangulation Scan Volume: Additional Information Brand Makerbot. User Manual - MakerBotDigitizer.