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This thread was marked as Locked by ShadowsOfSense. The Warlock card will give Guldan something to replace Darkbomb and add another AoE to their arsenal. The second card will allow Hunter to protect their Beast and have more favorable trade. Taran Zhu will have allow Rogue to have more substantial stay in the game.
Note that the Meditate healing will only activate if the Hero is able to attack, which mean if the Hero's attack is 0, it won't activate. Not a lot of ideas this week, and I'm also super busy, but I thought of this. It seems pretty straightforward though, has it been done? Meditate seems like a perfect complement to the Jade Golem mechanic, and it's a mid-late game card meaning you probably have a sizable Golem right now, meaning you simply must get rid of this innocent seeming card.
Probably needs fewer stats for the effect, though the meditate does overload you each turn. If you got the coin, the Mercenaries get going. Summon a Jade Golem and Overload: I feel like that would convey the idea well enough. Why Rogue is my favourite class: My submission for this week's card design competition. Last two ideas before I post up on submission, I liked Raza so I adapted it to this contest, let me know what ya'll think.
Make A Tandem Great Again! Weekly Design Competition 7. After clarifying with the mod about how Meditate work, here's my new, submitted version of Taran Zhu that is closer to my original idea:. Today in my free brawl pack I got Barongeddon, then I had a cup of fresh green tea. I hope Blizzard will address this issue. To translate my Mammoths into Meditate, i have to write either of these: Give this minion " Meditate: My idea has been finalist 6 weeks ago already This way, it becomes obvious that the Overload is part of the Meditate instead of part of the play cost.
For how much value it gives, it's also worth considering Overload 2. Meditate happens at the end of your turn, but mechanically, it should behave like any other Overload in that your crystals are locked next turn. None of them satisfies me but I have no better idea for the moment only Meditate inspires me. My entry for this week's competition 7.
My entry for CCC 4: A new basic card for each class. Trying to improve the basic set in terms of strength and diversity by giving each class a new basic card. Curse Help Register Sign In. A Rogue legendary named after the legendary gambler Archie Karas. Rollback Post to Revision RollBack.
I passively make Bitcoin daily, PM me if you're interested! By the time you play Oracle, you'll most likely be starting to run out of steam and cards. So Anyfin is the card you want to get from it. Still don't know how to feel about this card. It's either kind of meh or game swinging, due to the extremely poor tempo of the card itself and the extreme power of the card you get out of it.
And if you manage to give it stealth or find another way for its effect to trigger twice, it's just broken. Echoed Voice is a worse Volcanic Potion. I wouldn't bother with it unless the echo dealt 2 more, or the card dealt damage to enemies only. Cowardly Mercenary is an interesting concept I think. It's a card purely for trading and the value for its cost is spot on.
I would go with this one. Last edited by BorkBot on Nov 24, Out of the three I like Cowardly Mercenary the most because it's a card which sticks very well on the board, so much so that you could easily pick off a minion or two, maybe even three if you have weak targets against you.
Plus the fact you can't attack heroes avoids it become a easy Smorc card. As for Oracle Mrgglaarma, I can see what you are trying to do, make a weaker minion which gives out a powerful effect. But I still feel it's too powerful, maybe others will say I'm wrong, but the impression I get when I see this card.
And Echoed Voice just seem to be like Jade Idol but designed for a mage. Do I like it? Yeah I would say so Either way, some nice designs. You may want to get a second voice on these cards, but I do like the idea of have a minion which is design to pick off other minions without giving too much of a opportunity for your opponent to take it out. I still haven't made up my mind of which card to choose for the competition: I think Taran Zhu is the coolest out of all your cards.
It's interesting because A Healing for Rogue! So yeah, it's pretty cool. You might want to confirm that I dislike the name, though. I feel like something with that name should be more Last edited by Shatterstar on Nov 24, I don't know whether your "overload you each turn" does work, since until now it is only activated during paying the mana cost, but with the dot after Golem i'm sure it doesn't work as wanted!
Yeah probably needs rewording, but you get the gist of it right? You can either attack with that piss-poor 3 Attack, or just stay put and basically spend 1 mana to create a Jade Golem. The 6 Health makes it very difficult to remove, giving it a bit of pseudo-Taunt else it gets value from the Meditates. Summon a Jade Golem.
Just thought I could get more opinions on my card. After clarifying with the mod about how Meditate work, here's my new, submitted version of Taran Zhu that is closer to my original idea: How do these concepts look?
And, most importantly, fun? It's been over 24 hours with no response, so I figured I ought to bump before it gets lost in the thread. I have three good ideas but I don't know which to post.. Feedback would also be awesome! OK there's a lot of cards so I will be short and to the point: Put simply although this would give all classes the Jade Golem effect, that's the problem, every class would have access to the Jade Golem making the Jade Lotus gang less powerful.
Maybe it needs a bit less health Either way, I like it. But the second design is a little harder to say because most of the defend minions in this discussion I mean have abilities which are better when the opponent is attacking, but not when you need to attack. Taran Zhu - Now I do like the idea of buffing a weapon with one of these keyword, however I would make a few changes. But even though I like the design it doesn't really stand out unlike Mannoroth.
Now that card is really clever, rather than buffing your minions you de-buff your opponent's minions. And if they have a few minions with only one health standard health, it's also a nice way to remove them when it's your opponent's turn.
Haunting Nightmare is too powerful because your opponent can't really deal with it. Unless it gave you a disadvantage like if both players have to remove two cards it's completely unfair plus discard cards are done randomly, so some may this would have to have a random effect.
Celestine of the Harvest however looks like a good card because it can allow a player to choose whether they want a minion to attack or to draw a card. Right that's all for now. I honestly really like both of these. Impeccable Aim has brilliant flavor and is actually quite strong I think, I could be wrong though, and Mannoroth is cool, but not quite as flavourful IDK much about the lore behind him.
He instakills 1 health minions, which is pretty awesome, probably more playable than Impecabble Aim is. I'd probably vote for either of them. I honestly don't know which one is better. The Repenting Warlock has discarded the dark arts and is on the path to monkhood. As he meditates over his past deeds and comes closer to enlightenment, he shuffles more and more Renounce Darkness spells into your deck.
Or, he could be a bad boy and start hitting people. Either way is fine.