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When it comes to weapons deployed on the battlefield none can be more challenging to deal with than the Stock train. With a range of m, this medium slot weapon has become popular with the Korean Dash bot users, Fujin users, along with many pilots of other bots.
With its ability to charge to maximize damage it is closely related to the heavy Trebuchet and is generally played in a similar fashion with players firing then retreating to recharge before selecting the next target. Where the Shocktrain differs is in its ability to hit multiple targets within m of the original target with makes it a devilish weapon to counter because you can find yourself being hit from behind by an enemy who is far in front of you. Be alert on the Battlefield. Different bots likely to have Shocktrain weapons move different ways.
A Korean bot is likely to Dash quickly out of spawn to get into the range faster while a Rogatka is likely to jump repeatedly to get to a firing range. If you watch your display you can learn to identify the more popular builds by the way they move. Listen for the high pitch whistle of a Shocktrain charging, you can not mistake the sound on the battlefield. The whistle or whine reaches its highest pitch at maximum charge.
Watch too for the distinctive glow of the weapon. As bots move to firing position you have an opportunity to watch for the Shocktrain and identify it by its glow as it charges. Like the Trebuchet, it is a dead giveaway of what bots have been fitted with a Shocktrain. The Shocktrain has a maximum range of m and has a delay to lock on and to reach full charge after firing. Knowing this you have opportunities to counter the Shocktrain.
A Scourge, for example, can out range a Shocktrain by m meaning you can hit the enemy before he can hit you. If you can maintain a distance outside of his range you can wear him down or drive him to change position and find an easier target. Another thing to know is while a fully charged Shocktrain is deadly at m it needs time to charge to reach full damage potential.
This means if you can close to point blank range you can often win on damage using missiles or plasma while the Shocktrain users either have to retreat from you or risk being destroyed.
When Shocktrain Weapons are in use clustering together can be disadvantageous. Normally the practice of running in groups of two or three combining firepower was something successful teams did to pressure the opposing team or to hold a beacon. It's not unusual to see three or four bots clustered on the ramp to centre beacon on Yamantau defending it from being retaken.
The Shocktrain was designed with this in mind so being in close proximity, m or less, from a fellow teammate will make sure you are hit. Most players running the Shocktrain will look for players clumped together to increase their damage earning. Knowing this spreading out to be more than m from your nearest teammate reduces the likelihood of your being hit by a ricochet. Further than this as suggested, a lone player with the right build is less likely a target of opportunity to earn high damage.
An Energy Shield will offer no protection against weapons that fire Plasma or Energy discharges like the Zeus or Shocktrain. This means a Haechi with Shocktrain weapons is more vulnerable to weapons like the Trebuchet, Scourge, Gekko, Magnum and Taran that it is to bullets or missiles. It also means the Ancile on your Ancilot offers no protection against the Shocktrain.
Physical Shields are a counter to energy weapons and a direct hit on a physical shield should provide protection against the initial hit of a Shocktrain. That said it is a reported bug that the ricochet is often going from shield to bot or from shield to a teammate then back to your bot. Many if not all Maps have areas that favour sniper play such as elevated areas that a Shocktrain user will take full advantage off if you let them.
Giving a Shocktrain a higher vantage point can increase their target opportunities and the likelihood you will get a ricochet if not the primary hit. If you have the build to drive them off the high ground then go on the offensive and push them down. Look for natural covers on all the maps. Undulating, uneven surfaces can often intercept the energy discharge from a Shocktrain which will generally target the midsection of a bot so by being behind a raised area you can reduce the chance of being hit.
Areas with close cover on multiple sides can also offer protection from multiple directions subject to the movements of your team who can inadvertently create an opportunity for you to be hit by a ricochet. It is not impossible to counter a Shocktrain build if you exercise some basic common sense and awareness on the battlefield.
Like with any build it is about picking your battle with a suitable counter and being aware of your surroundings. If you make it harder for a Shocktrain equipped build to gain the advantage then you will have a lot less to fear from them in battle. Chase them back from the high ground, use cover and close on them with your firepower.
Of course, the opposite is true too. If you know a Shocktrain build is covering an area and your build is an easy target, run away and find another target. There is no disgrace in a tactical retreat. First of all, you can't see the shocktrain's "glow" like the trebuchets.
Second, they can't possibly suggest us to stay away from our teammates. Punkah, Agree to this. This weapon is definitely ruining the game. Whats the point of tactically hiding behind covers and playing like before, when a douche with a shocktrain will just fire anywhere and still manage a kill. If players want a fighting chance, give the weapon a weakness, for now there's none.
Make it act like a projectile, not penetrating ancile shields. At least players can still buy silver or research bots to counter it. Please Reduce the range of this weapon called Shocktrain "Even more annoying than Hydra". Do you even care about pilot like us, who grind to get few nice bots only to be destroyed by Shocktrain. I suggest to reduce the initial damage and reduce the range to or so that atleast we can fight back.
We can't do anything and that's the worst part. And, you gotta introduce more sliver bots and weapons. You should know by now that we need improvements in old school bots like Rhino "Make it movable while shield is up", Fujin "regeneration of shield while it's not in use", Griffin" reduce the jump cooldown" and whatever you can do to improve the other bots too. Please let us also enjoy this game without spending hundreds of dollars.
The damage this weapon did to this game rivals the damage it does in the battlefield. People have been inviting shocktrain users to squads, after losing the battles to them, just so they can chat and insult and try to convince them to abandon the weapon.
People been giving up battles from the start after seeing squads with multiple shocktrains in front of them. Even the top players from my clan, who have bugasaris with 3 shocktrains on it, says the weapon ruined the game.
Its something unprecedented, that unites everyone, a huge mistake. It could be the best year, but it seems it will be a year inside shopping mall laser battle with maxed shocktrain spectres killing everyone. Nerf it, but for real this time. This weapon is very very unreasonable powerful. It make this game worse. I begin to give up this game due to this weapon. Big Big mistake this weapon.
Change the name of this game to "Shocktrain War". I can sympathise with your predicament. Besides, I participated in the regular giveaways going all around. I won a few good stuff like this! In the meamtime, there are a few good guides around this website that I hope will be helpful in countering the said setups.
This game was really great before you add these compounds bots and weapons it was simple funny intersting and equal fair to all the players but as the whole world it's all about money!!!
U were in top guys why don't you make 2 versions? That's good but it still very difficult to destroy a bot with 3 shoucktrains and dash ability specialy if you are like me a gamer who doesn't pay for these super bots and weapons In coustom mood when we use the same bots i've always win it but in real bettle when i face one of the payers i can't keep standing longer than few seconds so i hope you guys supprate the payers from the players i really do Thanks.
Wr became boring since the shock train came out. It was a good game before you introduced the coward schocktrain. Best mode to avoid it is to abandon the match when you meet a coward bulgasary with 3 shocktrain mk2.
I do not like this weapon. Nerf it please, Pixonic. Zero skill is used yet he killed almost everyone. I even find the shocktrain winning at a brawling range, yet it was never intended to be a knife-fighting weapon.
Pcbentley Biz, Awhile ago i was battling a shock train bulgisare or whatever the Korean bot with physical shield is but it took forever because he was all around the map and killed all but me and 1 other. The only reason he lost was because we captured becons and he was the last on his team and it took 3 of my bots to kill him and yes for the first part of the battle he was camping at his spawn.
He must have gotten a lot of silver from that. Pixo - you really need to downgrade this weapon damage. Spectre with 4 x shocktrains mk Magnus Gunn, The obvious issue is with inexperienced players bunny hopping around while Shocktrains kill experienced players,behind cover, on secondary damage.
Even one player running triple Shocktrains can dominate on the Sniper maps. The article offers many common sense points that are useful for general gameplay and perhaps, perhaps, against a single shocktrain. Shocktrain should be a zero aim assist weapon, not a lock on weapon. Make it inaccurate, and that's all she wrote.
It should be like using Kang Dae to knife-fight in terms of accuracy. Are u kidding me? The only way to avoid a shocktrain is to run. That is why I send this opinion.