How to import private keys

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The data directory is the location where Bitcoin's data files are stored, including the wallet data file.

If you have already downloaded the data then you will have to move the data to the new folder. Load bitcoin dat you want to store them in D: An overview of these is in files. The data here is necessary for validating new incoming blocks and transactions. It can theoretically be rebuilt from the block data see the -reindex command line optionload bitcoin dat this takes a rather long time.

Without it, you could still theoretically do validation indeed, but it would mean a full scan load bitcoin dat the blocks GB as of Nov for every output being spent. You can see blocks as 'patches' to the chain state they load bitcoin dat some load bitcoin dat outputs, and produce new onesand see the undo data as reverse patches.

They are necessary for rolling back the chainstate, which is necessary in case of reorganizations. This section may be of use to you if you wish to send a friend the blockchain, avoiding them a hefty download. The database files in the "blocks" and "chainstate" directories are cross-platform, and can be copied between different installations. These files, known collectively as a node's "block database", represent all of the information downloaded by a node during the syncing process.

In other words, if you copy installation A's block database into installation B, installation B will then have the same syncing percentage as installation A. This is usually far faster load bitcoin dat doing the normal initial sync over again. However, when you copy someone's database in this way, load bitcoin dat are trusting load bitcoin dat absolutely.

If an attacker is able to modify your block database files, then they can do all sorts of evil things which could cause you to lose bitcoins. Load bitcoin dat, you should only copy block databases from Bitcoin installations under your personal control, and only over a secure connection.

Each node has a unique block database, and all of the files are highly connected. So if you copy just a few files from one installation's "blocks" or "chainstate" directories into another installation, this will almost certainly cause the second node to crash or get stuck at some random point in the future. If you want to copy a block database from one installation to another, you have to delete the old database and copy all of the files at once.

Both nodes load bitcoin dat to be shut down while copying. Only the file with the highest number in the "blocks" directory is ever written to. The earlier files will never change. Retrieved from " https: Technical Bitcoin Core documentation.

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Before reading this page, users should note that messing with ECDSA private keys is very dangerous and can result in losing bitcoins, even long after the import.

It is recommended that outside of self-generated vanity addresses, users should never import or export private keys. As of August , possibly the easiest way to import a private key is using Blockchain.

It is extremely risky and not recommended to use Blockchain. It's best to import them using bitcoind as described below. User can choose to type in the private key manually or scan a QR code containing the private key using the camera.

The user must wait 6 confirmations for access to the funds, and system is based on batch importation. It is extremely risky and not recommended to use BIPS or any online third-party service to import private keys, because they can steal your BitCoins if they have the keys. After spending, the private key in memory is destroyed so the paper private key remains somewhat secure. Despite this, best practice is to immediately send the remaining balance to a paper wallet that was generated offline.

Use this function if you would like to import a private key so all funds are immediately available for spending. After importing this paper private key, you might consider destroying the original so it cannot be found and your funds stolen. Alternatively, you can keep it safe to be used as an offline backup. If you have Version 7 or later it is now trival. If you are using Cold storage , a Paper wallet or generating vanity addresses you may have a need to import a Private key.

This article describes how to import a private key through the RPC API of bitcoind, which is a topic for advanced users. Instead, you need to start the bitcoind server. If you have an encrypted wallet recommended , you need to unlock it temporarily before importing private keys.

Typing this directly in a bash terminal will leave your wallet passphrase directly in the bash history but there are a couple of techniques you can use to avoid this. Simply add a space before the command:. The last command unlocked your wallet temporarily for seconds, during which time you must import your private keys. Since private keys can be as important as your passphrase, you may want to use the same techniques as above to prevent their being recorded in bash history bash variable or space before the command:.

The importing process is now started. Bitcoind will rescan the entire block data to ensure this key has not been used before. This process will take from one to two minutes, depending on your CPU performance. DO NOT abort it before finishing! If no errors occurs, the import is a success and Bitcoin-QT users will be able to see the new address in the GUI immediately. If you need to import more keys, just repeat the instructions above. There is currently no command to import a batch of private keys so you will need to wait a minute or two for each key to be imported.

These commands will clear the passphrase and private key from memory if you used the read technique. If you started bitcoind, you will need to stop it before Bitcoin-QT will start again:.

At some point, you may wish to delete private keys from a wallet. Retrieved from " https: Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Views Read View source View history. Sister projects Essays Source. This page was last edited on 9 January , at Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution 3.

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